Sunny day
It have been so nice weather today. It is still cold but today have it been sunny all day. I took care of Hazel in the morning but we never went out. Don't actually know why, I didn't thought about it. It have been so cold these last couple of days so all you have wanted to do when you are outdoor is to go back in again. It have feels like minus degrees although it have been at least 3 degrees. Hazel and I played with lego instead and had some picnic with her cuddly toys.
After a delicious lunch (chicken salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, avocado, spinach, egg and blue cheese) did I the homework for wednesday. And when I was finished with that I went out for a jog. So nice! It feels so good that I have actually done a lot of things today. It means that I can relax more in the end of the week. Perfect!
I will go to bed now, going to read my book. I have only 100 pages left now and I hope I can finish the book this week.
Sweet dreams!
Ps. I forgot to tell you what film I watched last night. I was talking with Linnea on skype and after awhile she is telling me that "Ps. I love you" have started a hour ago. She had just found about the film of her host mother. I have seen the film before but I really like it then so I went done to our living room to see the film. Perfect sunday evening!
Jogging and Ikea
I went up really early today for being a sunday. Already at 7.45 but it was only because I wanted to run before I went to Ikea. Anna was a bit late, she had also been working out so we were both really good. :) Took the tram to ikea for first some lunch. I ate salmon and Anna ate pasta. If I had been a ikea family member the food had been cheaper. My mum is but it doesn't help me when I'm in London! :P

After lunch we walked around in ikea and just told each other how we wanted our own flats to look like. You always get so many ideas when you are at ikea. I didn't buy anything but Anna bought some thing to her room and also some ikea pear cider. Before we went home we actually went back to the restaurant and did our homework. So nice to have it done. Now I just have the homework for wednesday and I don't like that one. We have to write around 200 words about ourself. Hm, I don't know what to write about. Hopefully I figure out something before wednesday. Otherwise I can just tell my teacher to look at my blog. Or maybe not! :P
Anna weekend!
I have had a really great friday and saturday. I went out jogging after school, just like last friday. It was very cold but it felt so nice afterwards. After that I actually study for a while before I met up Anna. She stayed the night at my place so we went quick back here before we took the train to Balham to meet up Esther and William. We went to a pub called Bedford and I really like it. After like 5 minutes after we had arrived (Anna and I was a bit earlier) I saw some guys looking at us and one of them were actually pointing at us. Two minutes later one of the guys came over and said something like : ok we have already done the eye contact, come with me for a jagerbomb! Haha! The guys were very nice and when William and Esther arrived we all talked. The pub is a really big one so it was a lot of people when we came there. We didn't found somewhere to sit first but then we were lucky to find sits just in front of the fireplace. It was so nice to sit there because it was so cold outside. We sat there until the pub closed at 2. Great night with great people.

Anna and I took a cab home and it only cost £10. I have to say that they have a certainly good system when you call for a cab. First you send a text to a number you then get a text back with 3 numbers to cabs that is in your area. You call one of them and tell them where you are, where you want to go. When you have hung up you got a text who confirms what you just had said and how much it will cost. You also get a text when the cab has arrived and if you can't found the cab he will call you. Really good! It feels so safe.
Today, Anna and I took it very slowly the first couple of hours after we had woken up. We ate breakfast in one hour or something and it was so nice. We took the train later to Westfield for some shopping. I didn't buy anything but Anna bought a few things. We ate tomato and basilica soup for lunch. Really nice one!
I'm stating to get tired now so if think I will go to bed early tonight. I need to go up early tomorrow because Anna and I are going to IKEA. Hihi! Third time that I visit a IKEA here. But it quite nice walking around and see what ideas comes up in your head. "Oh i would like this thing when I moving to my on flat." You know what I mean. And of course you have to buy some swedish food. Haha!
I'm going to put up some picture for yesterday now on facebook.
Good night!
The King's speech
Go and see it! I really love this film! The actors acted very great, the film was exiting and funny. I didn't expected that, I was a little afraid the film would actually be long boring. But it wasn't! I like to see historical films who has a easy story. Then you will learn something and in the same time just enjoying a very good film. Another thing that makes the movie even better (from my point of view) is that is a British film and they speak quite formal english. I'm trying to learn how to pronouns the words with a British accent so seeing a film is a really good way to hear how they are pronouncing the words. I also like the story behind the movie. To be honest, I don't know so much about english kings and queens. So I didn't know king George VI was Queen Elisabeth's father. And I didn't know George VI had a older brother who abdicated. So you see, you learn a lot! :)
The only bad thing about the film was that sometimes was it a bit hard to hear what they where saying. One reason was because the king stammered and the second reason because they used quite old expression that I didn't understand. So Anna and I agreed, we have to see it again so we can hear the words a second time.

Good night!
New haircut
It is a bit shorter but I really like it! Thanks Woody! It feels so lighter and I cut a fringe. Not a full one but one you just put on the side. (Have forgot the english name for it) I really love going to the hairdresser here. First they looks through the hair and asking me how I want to have it, then they make comments and tell me their opinion. I have free haircuts because I'm going to a trainer so he has to ask his teacher first before he starts to cut my hair. It feels really professionally. Before they starts to cut the hair they always wash it first and I think that's my favourite part. They put shampoo, balsam and a third thing as well and it really like a head massage. So nice! I really love when someone fiddling with my hair.
Tomorrow, I and Anna are going to see the kings speech at the cinema. Finally! We have been talking about to see it since Anna came back from Berlin. But we have both been working so it's until now we both are free on the same wednesday. We always watching films on wednesday because than is it 2 for 1. We also gets students discount so it's really cheap. :)
Putting up a picture of my new haircut later tonight on facebook!
Then I know that you're in somewhere thinking of me
Another song that makes me happy.
"Olly Murs - Thinking of me" The first sentence in the text is: Wintertimes in London, are you making plans? I will probably always thinking of London when I hear that song.
Today have been Hazel day. We have listen to the lion king, (I have forget how great the story is), played with dough (made at least 10 ducks), played with lego and so have I read the gruffalo book twice and the gruffalo child one time. She really loves the gruffalo! She always tries to read with me. So sweet!
Tomorrow have I an appoint at the hair dresser. I want to do something new with my hair. Now it's time for some skyping with Linnea!
Jogging and reading
My Sunday have been so nice, just relax the whole day almost. I have read at least 100 pages in my english book "cocaine nights" and I like the book. :) I have always liked to read books but I don't like reading in a different language. And I think I know why. I reading so must fast in swedish and I hate when I don't understand all words. But now have I finally found a book that I like.
Today have I also been out jogging. I was a bit lazy first but when I finally went out I jog for 32 minutes. Really nice! This friday were I also out jogging but that time only for 28 minutes. One hour jogging this week have to be quite ok. Or? :) I have done 120 sit-ups also and other types of exercises, like "plankan" (the swedish name).
At the moment listen I to my new favourite song over and over again. And that's thanks to Sandra! Thank you for publish the link on facebook. The song is called "Maybe - Ingrid Michaelson" I first thought she was a swedish artist because the name sounds really swedish but she comes from USA.
An other song I found on you tube (I still don't have spotify) is "Still have my heart - Caitlin Crosby".
I love her voice. Both song makes me so happy!
Good bye dinner with Linnea
I had a really great time last night! As always when I seeing Linnea! :) We went to a Italian restaurant called Amalfi in Soho and I thought the food was really good. We started with Bruschetta, to main course ate we salmon with new potato and to dessert ate we cioccolato napolio and fondent cioccolato, lot of chocolate! (see the picture below) :) It was a very nice restaurant but the fire alarm went off twice. Awful sound!

After our dinner, went we to a pub near Victoria for a beer. On the way to the pub went we passed Sainsbury’s and couldn’t resist buying some cookies. Chocolate cookies of course! They were very delicious but maybe not the best to the beer. :P It was so great to see you before you going back to Sweden.

Oh I have forgot to tell you about my outfit for the night. I was dressed like a businesswoman with black skirt and my new shirt and the black jacket over. I had put on red lipstick too. So I looked quite different.
Today have I actually studied for the university test and also went for an hour long walk and look what I went passed.

It’s my street because my second name is Karolina! It made my day today! When I came back, it was time to babysit. Now is Hazel in bed and I thinking of maybe watching some TV. I hope it showing some good film.
5 months in Uk
I have been here for 5 months now and I can't believe it. The days pass so quickly. Can you imagine I'm soon 21!! Oh I'm getting old! Haha!
Today have I and Hazel been to the library for rhyme time. This time Hazel also received a certificate. Every time Hazel goes to the library she get a sticker and if you have collect four stickers you receive a certificate. She chose the gruffalo today. The best one!
Yesterday after class I and few of my classmates and our teacher went to Victoria and Albert museum. It was really nice. Just look at the building, enormous! I didn't have so much time, so I definitely need to go back and hopefully soon. Anna and I ate a really delicious soup with real bread, stone baked. See how sweet soup plate the soup was served in.
I have to finish my homework now. Btw tomorrow, I and Linnea are going to eat a good bye dinner. :( She is flying home on sunday. :( I will miss you so much! Come back soon for a visit!
Drinking a cup of tea and eating crispy bread
oh I'm a bit tired, the day have been quite long but really nice. First school, we did a grammar test, didn't go that super so I guess I have to practise some more at it. I'm glad I have started to write as much as possible in english on my blog. Because I really need to do that, otherwise I will never learn what mistakes I do.
Was home for a few hours before I met up Jimmy at Oxford street for some shopping. I bought new headphones. :) I have tried them tonight already. I had just finished me call with my sister before I began to write on my blog. This is a bit different if you compare with my red headphones. These are much big and I don't hear so much noise around me.
When I came back from my shopping trip, I made a cup of mint tea and two crispy breads with cheese, ham and tomatoes. Very nice!
Good night!
Anna's place, National gallery and Linnea visit
Shit vilken rolig helg jag har haft och knappt har jag hunnit sova nagot. Blev ung 9 h den har helg, sov 11 h inatt! Dock ar jag fortfarande trott men har iaf lyckas att fa Hazel och sova sa att jag kan skriva lite blogg och uppdatera er om helgen.
Fredagen borjade med skola, vi gick igenom hela mannisko kroppen och Anna och jag hade ratt pa allt. Vi larde oss massa bra uttryck ocksa som jag ska forsoka komma ihag att anvanda sa jag kommer ihag dem. :p Sedan var jag sa duktig att nar jag kom hem sa tog jag en jogging tur innan jag borjade gora ordning mig for kvallen. Mote upp Linnea och Linnea och drog till Anna for lite for drink. Anna fyllde ju ar forra fredagen men hon var fortfarande i Berlin da sa det fick bli att fira den har istallet. Det har fina packet fick hon av mig (se nedan), i var ett par orhangen. Kvallens drink blev rom och cola! Dock tog den slut valdigt fort!! Det var sa grymt kul att vara hos nagon innan och bara chill och prata! Vi blev saklart ganska sena sa nar vi kom fram till fabric som vi tankte att vi skulle ga till vara det jatte lang ko sa vi strunta i det och tog tuben till en annan klubb. Men vi var lite for sena sa typ nastan alla tube linjer hade stangt sa vi fick ta bussen istallet. Haha! virrade runt lite men bestamde oss sedan att ga till zoo bar. Harlig kvall! Rebecca mote ocksa upp oss sa vi var fem fnissiga tjejer. :)
Forresten nar vi stod och vantade pa tube till fabric sa sjong vi ja ma hon leva for anna pa svenska. Jag hade tydligen sjungit hogst, haha! Sa det kan ju inte ha latit jatte bra direkt. Men shit vad kul det var! :)

Jag kom hem lite lagom vid halv fem pa morgonen och sedan hade jag satt klockan pa 11. Men vaknade till och med innan. hm! Var ju som sagt tvungen att ga upp for skulle faktiskt vara lite kulturell. Efter frukost begav jag mig till National gallery for att mota upp Linnea, Anna och hennes tva kompisar. Var ganska trott men det var enda kul att ga och runt och titta pa alla malningar. Fast vi trottna ganska fort och gick och at pa Leon istallet. Sedan blev det lite shopping pa Oxford street och de var tur det. Jag hade tankt att ha en lugn lordagkvall men istallet bjud Anna mig hem till henne igen for mat och sedan utgang till Elk puben som ligger jatte nara henne. Det kunde man ju inte direkt tacka nej till. Linnea var den som stod for matlagningen och det blev jatte gott. Pasta och pastasas med smak av bacon och mogelost. Vin till det och det kunde inte smaka battre.

Efter middagen blev det iordning fix och de var ju tur att jag hade shoppat lite for annars hade jag inte haft nagot att ta pa mig. Kopte en creme fargad skjorta och ett par svart shorts. Sedan blev det ju enda lite saker att lana fran anna, smink, leggings och orhangen. Tack for lanet! Vid elva, efter att ha delat pa tva flaskor vin, sa gick vi till Elk bar och dar var det redan massa folk. Dansade, drack cosmo och dansa lite till. Det ar alltid bra musik dar! Anna smet ivag lite for att hamta jasper och Linnea borjade prata med en kille. Sa kande mig lite ensam ett tag men sedan bjod killen oss bada pa en drink, sa det var inte sa hemskt langre. haha! Det varsta med pubar ar att de stanger sa tidigt. redan vid ett men det gjorde inte sa mkt eftersom det blev efterfest. :) Jasper ar granne med Anna sa vi drog till honom, perfekt att ha nara hem. Vi satt i salongen och drack te, wiskey och cola och lyssnade pa klassisk musik. Anna spelade piano ett tag ocksa. Jaspers bror var ocksa dar med sin flickvan och en kompis till henne och innan hade en kompis till Jasper kommit ocksa. Vi satt och chillade dar till klockan sex pa morgonen sedan var det ganska skont att lagga sig i sangen. Riktig harlig kvall!

Sondagen spenderades i Streatham med Linnea! :) Jag visade henne runt lite och sedan gick vi till subway for lite lunch och sedan blev det ocksa fika pa rosta coffee. Latte och godaste cheesecaken at jag medan Linnea ocksa drack latte men at shortsbread till. Satt dar nagra timmar, hann till och med dricka tva latte! De var hur mysigt som helst! Det ar hemskt att du ska aka hem snart men jag ar sa glad att vi har planerat basta fredagen! :) och Sa syns vi till varen! :)
Den har helgen har varit sa grymt rolig! :) Ni tjejer ar verkligen bast!
puss puss
Dark blue nails for tomorrow
I have just painted my nails dark blue. I really like my two nail polishes from urban outfitters. Dark blue and mint! I have to buy some new soon. :)
Today have been Hazel day. I have looked after her all day. First went we to the library for rhyme time, we sang tinkle tinkle little star, old mcdonalds, head shoulder, knees & toes and a few more songs. After that went we to the playground, we played with the ball and swing for a while. But it was a lot of mud on the ground so Hazel got all dirty. So we went home for some lunch and dance before Hazel's nap.
I really looking forward for tomorrow. We are going to a club called fabric and I think is going to be an awesome night.
I have to finish my homework now.
Good night!
Coffee and some oxford street shopping
ter school today took Anna and I a coffee at Starbucks. We got this comfortable chairs and that's was just perfect because both were quite tired. Before Anna needed to go, went we to Accessorize. Both Anna and I bought a bag and they were both black and on sale but not the same bag. :) I really needed a new party bag so I can bring my camera when I'm going out clubbing. The bag only costed £7,5 so it was brilliant.
I didn't stop shopping there. Before I went home, I took the tube to Oxford street for some more shopping. Bought a few things! Without thinking of it, I only bought black things today. Just look at the picture below. (Not the best picture, I'm afraid)

I don't think I have told you about what Kim had made to me. I got it when I was home over christmas as an "I missed you present". It made me so glad! :) Thanks Kim! It is really cute and Hazel like it a lot! Just look so good he is to sew. :)
The sheep Bää and the teddy bear!
Looking forward to Friday!
Back in school
Hi! How do you do!
That's really formal english and that is what we were doing today at school! If someone says 'how do you do!" you should say the same back. Google translate translated it to "God dag!" in Swedish. But it can't be right because we are saying "God dag!" in the beginning of the conversation. "How do you do!" do you say after you two have been introduce to each other.
It was so nice to see Anna again, we are taking a coffee after school tomorrow! She definitely celebrated her birthday with style. She partied for three days. And on friday we are going to celebrate her again. Thinking going to a club called Fabric.
It was some new faces in the class today btw and everyone came from a different country. Italy, France, Colombia and one came from somewhere in Africa. People are really coming from all over the world to live in Uk. And it is very interesting to discuss all differences and similarities there is between all countries.
When I came back home after class and had ate, went I out for a walk for one hour. It was really nice just walking around and I almost walked to crystal palace. Next time I will call you Linnea if I do! :)
It always feels best afterwards
Finally have I been out jogging again and it felt so great...afterwards. 24 min but I was so exhausted when I came back, not good, not good at all. It has only been a month since I last went out for a jog but my fitness was already gone like the wind. I'm glad it just monday today, I will definitely have time for one or preferably two more jogging tour this week.
School starts tomorrow and it feels great. I have miss it a bit and it will be great to see all again. But I hope we don't start with homework this week. :P This term I will read writing and reading so it will probably be lot of grammar. Lovely! :P
Now it's raining here, it have been quite warm (7degrees) but windy today. So not so nice weather and especially not nice to jog in. But doesn't it really matter, no! I'm in London and the weather is like that and actually since I came here it hasn't been raining so much. And hopefully we get a nice spring so I can be in the parks. Eating picnic and drinking wine. Doesn't it sound great?! :)
Sweet little cow
Jag har haft en sa rolig dag idag med Linnea. Allt fran att ha kopt solbrillor till att provat komysis-overall. Haha! Vi ar ju snygga i allt! Vi akte till croydon for ingen orka med att trangas med massa annat folk. Croydon har alla butiker man behover men mkt mindre folk. Valdigt skont! Och det blev lite shopping, jag kopte ett balte, ett par solbrillor och ett par strumpor. :) Pa primark testa vi som sagt varldens sotaste ko-overall. Haha! Till nasta knutgubbe?! Den kosta bara £10 sa var lite sugen pa att kopa den. :P
Lunch blev det pa pizza hut men det blev ingen pizza. Istallet blev det en valdigt god sallad med kyckling och vitloksbrod. Valdigt gott! Sjalvklart hann vi med en kaffe pa starbucks! :) Den forsta for i ar! Smakade valdigt bra!
puss puss
Night out in Camden
Gardagen som blev en riktig rolig kvall borjade inte sadar jatte bra. Som alltid var jag stressad nar jag skulle bege mig till taget och jag var nog lite for snabb nar jag skulle ta pa mig min svarta jacka. Rits hor jag och tar av mig jackan igen och sjalvklart har jag gjort en stor rev i somnen vid ena axeln. Bra jobbat Malin!! Ar valdigt glad att jag har en till jacka, hade inte varit kul annars. Blev som ni forstar annu senare till taget sa gick valdigt fort sedan och vad gor jag da, trampar rakt i en lerig vattenpol sa att jag stanker upp pa mina nya skor och jeans. Fan! Som tur va sa sag man det knappt. Sedan fick jag hor en trakig nyhet till. :( Allt pa en gang! Linnea ska aka hem redan i slutet av januari. Det ar ju jatte snart! Kommer verkligen att sakna dig! Tur att du redan har bokat in en resa till London i var! Som sagt inte basta starten pa kvallen men da betydde det ju iofs att de bara kunde bli battre. Oh fan vad roligt vi hade sedan! Tog de snyggaste bilderna! :)

Linnea, Jimmy, Frida, Sam and Jane. En annan Frida var ocksa med! :)
Vi var forst pa en pub sedan drog vi vidare till en annan innan Linnea, Frida och jag drog till Koko! De andra drog till face down. Vad kan man saga annat an att det alltid ar grymt kul att hanga med er och spec nu nar vi inte har sett pa ett tag. :)
Vaknade lite lagom vid elva imorse och efter frukost gick jag ut for en promenad. Men det ar ju alltid roligare att ha ett mal nar man gar sa bestamde mig for att ga till varat lilla centrum. Det blev lite mer inkop av saker jag behover. Mascara, rouge, rott lappstift, borste och nail polish remover. Alltid nice att kopa lite saker och de var valdigt skont att komma ut i luften. Nu ska jag snart vara barnvakt!
puss puss
Bought some things I needed
Igar var jag duktig och handla lite trakiga men valdigt anvandbara saker. Tankte att det var lika bra att jag gjorde de innan pengarna var slut. Det blev munskolj, varmeskyddande harprodukt (fick en plattang i julklapp), deo, ansiktsskrubb och russin. Det sistnamna ar verkligen det basta snackset dock ar det alltid latt att ata for manga.
Fredag kvallen var annars valdigt trevlig. Mer uppdateringar senare! :)
It has been raining the whole day
Really boring day, or maybe not boring because I have had lot of fun with Hazel. We have played with lego, read some new books and played some piano. But it has been raining all day so it have been so dark the whole day. Atm listen I to some music at radio kiss. They only playing party music and it always makes me in a good mood. I don't think I have told you that I read the swedish book "Konsten att lasa tankar" (
The art of reading thoughts) written by Henrik Fexeus. I really like that book, I have read it once before but this time I will try to be more serious. If you havn't read it, please do because you will not be disappointed.
Tomorrow it is Annas birthday, but where is Anna?! Still in Berlin and that is not ok. At least you will be here next week so we can celebrate you! :) Tomorrow instead I, Linnea, Jimmy, Sam, Frida, Frida and a friend of her will go to a pub for some drinks. It will be great to see all again!
See you tomorrow!
From Sweden to London
Tillbaka i London igen och det kanns valdigt bra! Dock forstar jag inte var dessa 2 veckor forsvann. Men kan ju inte klaga pa att jag har haft traktigt iaf. Sa det var nog lagom att komma tillbaka nu sa att jag inte borjde att ha trakigt. Kommer dock sakna snon, det ar lite for kort att bara ha tva veckor vinter. Hoppas verkligen det blir lika mkt sno nasta ar ocksa! :) Titta bara sa vacker snon ar! :

Nyar firade jag hos Christopher med massa harligt folk. Amanda, Christopher, Emil, Fredrik och jag at forst en jatte god middag. Toast med rakrora forst som Fredrik hade gjort och sedan blev det hjort med potatis gratang, svamp och sallad. Grymt gott! Till det serverades jordgubbsvin som Amanda hade med sig! Irish coffee till efterratt ocksa! Sedan borjade folket komma och festen borjade. Vid tolvslaget gick vi till strommen for att titta pa alla fyrverkerier och vad hander da!? Det borjade regna, jatte konstigt! Sjalvklart blev det bara varre ju langre bort vi kom sa efter den dryga halvtimmen ute var det riktigt skont att komma in igen. Precis minuterna innan tolvslaget sa gar amanda och jag over ett overgangsstalle, en bil var snall och stanna. Men sedan borjar bilen tuta och kor at sidan och da visa det sig att det ar abrar och ella. Haha! Grymt coolt att vi kommer dar just da! Korka upp champagnen och sedan skala vi in tolvslaget tillsammans. Sa coolt! :) Riktigt kul nyar med en valdigt chill dagen efter. Vi sag pa bjornes magasin och bumbibjornarna.! Haha!

Senare under nyars dagen sa blev det middag med Abrar och Ella. Sjalvklart blev det snabbmat, pizza for mig och kyckling med pommes for de andra. Abrar fyller ar den 1 jan sa det blev fodelsedagsmiddag. :) Det var jatte kul att se dem igen och prata av sig lite! :) Boka flyg snart tycker jag sa att jag kan visa er London!! :)
Den 2 jan fyller min syrra ar och hon fyllde inte vad som helst det har aret! 18!!! Sa vi hade slakten dar och at grymt god mat och tarta. Sedan pa kvallen kom nagra kompisar till henne. Riktigt kul att vara hemma, dock hann jag aldrig ga ut med henne. Det ska syrran gora idag med lite kompisar.
Dagen innan jag skulle aka blev en riktigt familjedag med forst en langpromenad i vintervadret. (Oversta bilden ar tagen den dagen). Sedan blev det middag med vin och tarta och kaffe. Riktigt mysigt! :)
Innan vi akte till flygplatsen igar, akte vi till mormor och at lite mat och drack kaffe. Kul att se henne innan jag skulle ivag igen. Hon var inte lika ledsen den har gangen men mamma grat lite nar de lamna mig pa flygplatsen. Trodde inte att flyget skulle vara forsenat aven fast de snoa ganska mkt nar vi var pa vag. Men var sa glad nar vi fick ga pa planet i tiden men sedan blev vi sittande dar i minst en timme eftersom de stangde startbanan en halvtimme och sa fick vi vanta pa avrostningsbilen som skulle spola av vingarna. Inte sa kul, speciellt nar jag akte sjalv. Men hade ipoden sa roa mig med musik och spel. Det var skont att lagga sig i sangen sedan. Blir nog att lagga sig tidigt idag, var sa grymt trott forut. Hazel badda ned mig under filten och sedan hamta hon massa gosedjur och lade sig bredvid mig. Sa mysigt! Hon fick en present av mig, ett gosefar. Hon blev jatte glad.
Det kanns grymt att vara tillbaka och jag ar mkt forvantansfull hur detta ar kommer bli!
Forra aret blev inte alls som jag trodde, det blev mkt battre. Trodde ju att jag skulle var student nu men au pair passa mig valdigt bra och student kommer jag enda blev nagon gang. Forhoppningsvis i host men annars sa vet jag att det finns annat att gora. :)
puss puss