Amazing year!
Thanks everyone who have made this year awesome! It's not fair we have to say good bye! I will miss so many and so much. Yesterday was so fun and perfect. Woke up with a bruise on my leg, a burned tongue (just wanted to drink the coffee quick), a sore foot and awesome pictures on the camera. So the night was really great!
See you soon again, London!
Last week as an London Swede
Anna and my's UK trip was amazing! Really great to see some more places in Great Britain. I will try to put up some more photos soon, have more than 500 pictures so will be difficult to chose. The cities/towns we visit was Edinburgh (think it was my favourite), Windermere (Lake district), Liverpool, Llandudno (N. Wales), Bath, Plymouth (just a short stop), Newquay and Torquay. The last two towns are in south England just by the sea. It was so wonderful to live close to the sea for some days and of course I took severely swims. It's just amazing how different UK looks like depending where you are in the country. You can't say you have seen Great Britain if you just have been to London. I would say, London isn't that british and it's perfect to do this kind of tour to really experience the country.

Our first stop - Edinburgh station
It Wednesday today so thats mean that Anna will arrive in just one week in Sweden. So looking forward to that! Something I don't looking forward to is packing. I have already started with the easiest thing, the clothes. Think I have to try to almost finish packing tomorrow so I don't have to do it the last day. Hate to feel stressed!
I said good bye to Tatiana today. We met up at oxford street and took first a coffee and later a cup of tea in another cafe after some shopping. Really going to miss you! See you soon! When I took the bus home I thought I would start to cry. Not easy to say good bye to London. I'm quite sure that I wont live here again so this is my last week as an London Swede, feel really sad! Wish I could come back when I want to, however, at least it's cheap to take the airplane. So will come back although just as a visitor!
So many thoughts spinning around in my head, especially when I trying to sleep. In one hand I really looking forward to go back, see all again and soon start University, on the other hand I just don't want this week to end, really dislike to say good bye. It's so many to say good bye to! Sorry, probably boring to read about, however, I really needed to get some out.
Yesterday, it was the last dinner my whole host family and I ate dinner together because either Aidan or I was home tonight and tomorrow my host parents are going to the Ballet. To the dessert that I had made (apple pie), they gave me a present. A really wonderful necklace, a golden necklace with a circle with a bird and some leaves. Really like it, it's british design and even made here! :) Perfect memory for this amazing year! I also got a card, so nice written. Will really miss my family, especially Hazel of course.
Good night!
Last train journey!



The whole day on the beach!
Today has been lovely! We have been laying on the beach the whole day. It was a bit cold in the water, however, you got use to it. The water is so salty, so different from Baltic sea where I usually swim.
I love it here, every morning we are eating breakfast with the beautiful view of the atlantic. I could sit there for hours.
Now we are Sitting in the pub, just by the windows that have sea view. Tomorrow we are going to Torquay, although not until the evening so hope the weather is going to be as brilliant as today. xoxo

N. Wales and 5 hours on the train

Cavern - The Beatles club
Tonight we are going out in Liverpool to the Beatles club Cavern. It's where they did around 200 gigs. Anna and I walked through the street, Mathew street, today and the whole street is about beatles. Actually whole Liverpool is about the beatles, the playing their music, have big picture with the group, lofs of shops and also a attraction, Beatles story. However, Liverpool is a great city. It's so beautiful along the riverside, the shopping streets are so nice with lots of great shops. We did some shopping, Anna bought most as usally. :P
We took the ferry yesterday on the mersey, the river here in Liverpool although we did get off somewhere. It took an hour to go around and it was perfect weather, the sun was shining the whole day. So after the boat tour we took a walk along the water. So wonderful!
Have to go now the club is waiting! :)
We took the ferry yesterday on the mersey, the river here in Liverpool although we did get off somewhere. It took an hour to go around and it was perfect weather, the sun was shining the whole day. So after the boat tour we took a walk along the water. So wonderful!
Have to go now the club is waiting! :)
Windermere, lake district
Just finish my second breakfast, vanilla yogurt with granola, fresh banana and cinnamon. Anna brought cinnamon from home and that have been so useful. We have it in yogurt, on apples. So delicious! Windermere was wonderful. We took a boat tour on the lake, it was so nice weather. I walked around in the water for some minutes, not so cold. On the evening we walked up a hill to look at the beautiful view over the lake, amazing! :) went up already at 7 today so we will arriving early in liverpool. Hoping the beatels city is awesome. :p xoxo
Two days in edinburgh was perfect. We have climbed up the holyroad park hill(beautiful view), walked around the old town, went on a free guided tour, free ghost tour(not that good), seen the castle and the royal palace. Taken the bus to porto bello beach( walked around in the water), bought some souvenirs(nessie :)). The hostel was really nice, clean and the girls we shared room with was friendly however, quite quiet. :p now we are on the train to windermere, lake district Where we will stay one night before going to liverpool. :) xoxo
On the train to edinburgh!
We are on our way now. Sitting on the train to edinburgh, (we are now in New castle) we are a bit tired. Went up already quarter to 6, missed the first train so took the train at 8. The journey will take 4 h and 45 min, less than 2 hours left. :) I'm so glad I bought a neck pillow. Really comfortable. Hope I will remember to update here during our trip. Will be quite a lot of train journeys so will at least have time. :p
Stefano's pub and Kew Gardens
It have been raining both yesterday and today although just on the morning. Friday night was actually really warm and I was of course dressed to warm. :P During the day I was at Anna's and planned our trip. Or I was laying on her bed and she was packing. Haha!
On the evening we went to Stefano's pub and met up Jytte and Hanna! Haha! They were a bit late and a bit tipsy! xD Haha! Always fun to go out with the girls!

Today, Anna and I have been to Kew Gardens in south west London. It's a big park with lots of different plants and flowers and it was so beautiful there. We walked around for hours! We also went on a guided tour round the park and it was really great. You see so much things that you probably won't even notice if you went by your self. It was very good for the vocabulary also, I almost didn't know any different kind of trees and plants name or the different parts of the tree. So I really like it!
Tomorrow is only left now and then we are on our way. Will be so great! :) Washed my clothes tonight so haven't start pack yet, however, have plenty of time tomorrow! :P
Good night!
Last library with Hazel
It have been raining cats and dogs today and I was of course out without umbrella and rain coat. Haha! However it was because it didn't rain when I and Hazel went out and started to walk to the library. But it started of course! Not so bad on the way there although the way home was awful! The rain just poured down and both Hazel and I got soaked wet. So we changed clothes quickly and took the dryer to blow us a bit warmer. It was so wonderful with a coffee after.
The library was very crowded as usually, although it was ok and it felt quite sad knowing that was the last time. We were singing Old MacDonald, Twinkle twinkle, incy wincy spider, big red bus and so on. So many songs are the same as we sing in Sweden so it have been really nice learning them in English. However, now when I try to sing them in swedish I can't, I have forgot the lyrics. Haha so bad! So I guess it's time to go back home, now when I have forgot my own child songs. :P
I have looked up lots of things today for our trip and I'm so excited! Just 3 days left now!
Anna is leaving today
I'm in the tube on my way home from Sandra. Thanks a lot for inviting us! The food was delicious! :) however today Anna is flying home! :( will miss you!! Don't like to say good bye but I hope we are going to see each other soon.
I have 1,5 weeks left in london and almost a month in Uk. And it's just one months left to the summer party. :) so lots of things to looking forward too! xoxo