Stefano's pub and Kew Gardens
It have been raining both yesterday and today although just on the morning. Friday night was actually really warm and I was of course dressed to warm. :P During the day I was at Anna's and planned our trip. Or I was laying on her bed and she was packing. Haha!
On the evening we went to Stefano's pub and met up Jytte and Hanna! Haha! They were a bit late and a bit tipsy! xD Haha! Always fun to go out with the girls!

Today, Anna and I have been to Kew Gardens in south west London. It's a big park with lots of different plants and flowers and it was so beautiful there. We walked around for hours! We also went on a guided tour round the park and it was really great. You see so much things that you probably won't even notice if you went by your self. It was very good for the vocabulary also, I almost didn't know any different kind of trees and plants name or the different parts of the tree. So I really like it!
Tomorrow is only left now and then we are on our way. Will be so great! :) Washed my clothes tonight so haven't start pack yet, however, have plenty of time tomorrow! :P
Good night!