All exam done!
Such a nice feeling, to know no more studying until august. Now is it just fun things to looking forward to. Anna and I are going on our trip 11th of july so it 1,5 weeks left now! On saturday, we all going to Stefano for a bbq and then we are going out! The saturday after, my host family have a bbq. :) and that's is just some things that happen! :) think I will celebrate with taking a bubble bath tonight! And maybe buy some ice cream! xoxo
Greenwich, hair cut, exam and some shopping
I have three days to tell you about and I will start with sunday!
Greenwich with Anna
It was a perfect day to go to Greenwich and just lay on the grass in the park. It was almost too hot so I'm glad a brought a 2l bottle of water. It was Greenwich Fair so it was lots of event going on, markets, theatre and so on. After two hours sunbathing we went to have a look on the things and later ate a ice cream by the water. Lovely day!
Hair cut!
On monday, I went to the hairdresser and like all other times here in London was it free. Really nice! Here is the result although a quite bad picture. :)
Exam and shopping
Today was the writing exam and I really don't like it. You have 1,5 h to finish three different writings. I'm not that fast to first come up with ideas and then write it down on the paper, trying to use quite formal words and spell right. Hopefully they will like what I wrote. :)
After the exam, Anna and I went to Oxford st and bought some new shoes. I know, no more shopping but I can't help it. Haha!
Midsummer in Hyde Park was something extraordinary. It was probably over 1500 if not more that came to Hyde Park to celebrate and quite many had even made a flower crown. Some were dress in the Swedish national dress and so many people join in and danced around the midsummer pole.
We didn't find so much traditional food but of course we ate herrings on crispy bread, lots of snaps to that and strawberries for dessert. Every time we took a shot of the Snaps, we sang some really nice snaps songs! Haha! If you have missed the video I have put on fb you should watch it now. Anna was best at singing "Helan gar"
After a bit snaps, beer and herrings, it was time for some dancing! Little frog dance was everyones favourite! I have never been that keen on dancing around the midsummer pole, however, this year was so funny. Anna and Stefano, who had never danced and sang this songs before had some trouble first and I tried to translate to english when we were singing. Haha! Not the best english for certain.
We came to Hyde Park after one and didn't go until 9 and we were so like with the weather. Such a great day! I and Tatiana finished the night on the swedish after party!
Midsummer....starts tomorrow!
Can't stop listening to "Den svenska bjornstammen's" new song,
I have had a really nice midsummer today even if I don't celebrate today. Been to school and then I have worked the whole day. Although, Hazel slept for 2,5 hours so had some free time and when she woke up we played with lego. The grandfather is also here so he played with her for awhile too. To make it a bit Swedish today, we ate Strawberries, ice cream and cream to dessert. So lovely!
Midsummer celebration in Hyde Park tomorrow will be awesome!
Looking so forward to it!
I got mail
I got this sweet card from Moa and Kim today. Thanks! It made me really happy!
Last cinema wednesday in london!
I'm almost started to cry when anna told me. :( our funny wednesdays are over! Altough we ended it with a really funny film. Bad teacher! Haha! So stupid and silly but so funny!
When I bought the tickets for the cinema, you have to say a number to get it 2 for 1. So I started to say 35 and the guy said: did you say 55? And I was: No. 35, 3 and 5. Then he says: Oh actually I thought you said fuck it! Hahah! I couldn't stop laughing Still can't speak proper english! BAD! Haha!
This is two of the things a bought at Ikea today, and also the most imported things! Soft ice cream and Snaps!
Perfect day today!
I'm on the tram to Ikea to buy some swedish food for saturday. It's a big event on saturday in hyde park, there people will bring food and snaps and dance round the midsommar stång. Think it will be really nice. The importen thing I will buy is of course the snaps. No midsummer without it! :) xoxo
Pippi the whole day
Oh, Hazel have been so sweet today. She have been wearing the pippi costume, she got from my family, the whole day and she looks so cute. She seems to liking the socks most because she have talked a lot about them. "Green sock, yellow sock, pippi socks"! Haha! So adorable!
Finished were we started
For exactly nine months ago Linnea and I took a beer in a pub in Leicester square, when she was here in London for the first time. We went to the same pub today! Linnea is going back next monday so today was last time we met up as au pair's in London. Really Sad! But we have promise to come back and do some shopping!
I don't like to to say good bye, especially here in London, even if Linnea and I are going to see each other soon again. It's just the whole thing that you know everyone is going home soon. People starting to fly home and some will I never see again. So strange! That's the worst part when you are an au pair. This year have gone so fast but it have been so amazing! :)
Linnea and I started our day together by going to St Paul's for a mass. I was there last week with Anna so I have started to go to church often. Haha! However, I really like St Paul's because it so beautiful and Linnea hadn't been there before.
Then we met up Anna at Oxford street for some shopping. Spent some time there before we walked with Anna to her bus and Linnea and I went to Jamie Oliver and had dinner.
Delicious food and lovely desserts! :)
We ended our evening in the pub with a beer, so British! :)
See you in L-town Linnea! Although, I will still miss you here!
Films on the telly
Sometime I'm lucky! It's never something good on tv but tonight when I know I had to babysit a longer time, it was actually some to see. Notting Hill!
Love watching films who is taking place in London. Especially when I have been to the place where the film is filmed. :)
Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) staying in the famous hotel the Ritz and I passed it today with the bus with Anna. Haha so cool!
Things that have happened and will happen!
I have been a bit lazy the last couple of day, but I haven't felt that good either so blaming that. I have had head ache and been really tired, probably because of the weather. Now, I'm sitting in Anna's room, waiting for her to be ready in the shower, want some breakfast. Then, we are going to make some more plans about our trip. :)
Because I'm a bit lazy I thought I can do a list about things
# First, I have a confession to make. For the first time after 300 day and almost 10 months I really miss Sweden. My family, friends, food and so on.
# I have been here for 10 months tomorrow. :)
# It's two weeks to my finial exam in school.
# It's less than a month until our trip
# I'm flying home the 30th of July, that mean about 40 days left.
# My London book starting to get quite thick.
# It's looks like it going to be a sunny day today!
# Linnea is coming to London, for the last time before she is going home, tomorrow. Will miss her when she is in Sweden.
As you can see, I'm couting down to many things now and I don't really like that. But it really feel strange knowing I'm soon going to back my bags and go home to Sweden. However, I have so many things planned so this last weeks here will be really great. :)
Breakfast time!!!!
Smoothie, ice tea and cinema
To tired to write anything proper, although I thought i could show you some pictures from today. Sorry for bad quality, the pictures are taking by my mobile.
After school, Anna and I went to a little cafe called moosh and they have a lot of organic stuff. We bought one smoothie each and it was absolutely fantastic. Will definitely go back there!
When I was waiting for the train I bought a ice tea, peach ice tea and it was very nice! I thought I didn't like ice tea but I will buy it again, perfect for a hot day like today.
We went to Notting Hill cinema Cornet and watched Last night with Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes. Don't know what to say about it, did't like it. Is a talking movie and not so much happened. However, it is always nice with cinema especially with Anna! :)
Btw after our Smoothies, Anna and i bumped in to Rebecca and Frida. So cool! Never met anyone here just like that. London is a bit too big for that I guess! Anyway, we met up later in the park for a chat. Really nice!
Now, I'm going to bed
Good night!
Gambado –play centre
It have been a real adventure today. Hazel and I took the train to Gambado, a big play centre, and met up Anna and her child Clemmie. We had such a fun time and Hazel and Clemmie was so sweet together.
Hazel haven't taking the train so many times before so it was really something especial when we waited on the train at the station. We had to wait 20 minutes although we were lucky because it was train passing all the time and Hazel got this big eyes and laughed and said: fast train, big train, green train and soon on. SO sweet! She was so good the whole journey, to the play centre as well back home.
And of course she found the play centre so funny. We were there little more than an hour and there was action all the time. We were climbing up, taking the tiger slide down, jumped in the ball sea, drove a car and bumped into each other, went round and round in the tiger pots (see pic). Loved it!
Rainy day with Museum of London and St Pauls
It has been raining the whole day today so I have finally had some use for my red umbrella. :)
Anna and I have been to the Bank district and visiting Museum of London and St Pauls. The museum was really nice and we went for a free tour that was really good. The guide told us about the years between 1666-1850 called the new city. For you who don't know what happened in London 1666, I can tell you it was the great fire that year and it destroyed 2/3 of all buildings in the city. However, it was actually a good thing for the city because it was a bit old fashion. So when the rebuilt the city it became a city with the same modern standard like Paris and other top cities in Europe. The funny thing about it was the started to build pub first. Haha! So I guess London haven't changed that much after all.

After we went for some quick shopping and then to St Paul's cathedral. I really love that building, it so statuesque, beautiful and enormous. And inside it's just such a marvellous view, with the amazing ceiling and all the stunning decoration. We went there for an evensong and I really liked it. I always feel so peaceful when I'm leaving a mass. It's so relaxing just sitting there and listen to the priest when he speaking (in perfect english :P) or when the choral sings.
Later we took the tube home to Anna and did some more planning for our trip! :)

I got these sweeties from my host parents yesterday. Salt sill or lakrits fiskar that I will say in swedish is one of my favourite sweeties so became really happy! Thanks! :)
Time to go to bed now!
Good night
The Queen's official Birthday
Waiting for my host parents to come home, I'm going to Anna later for a sleep over. We are going to Bricklane market and Museum of London tomorrow!
Today, I have been to Buckingham Palace and waved to the Queen on her official birthday. She has two birthdays actually, so cool! :P I got some really good pictures so was so happy! Haha!
Celebrated the Queen with some ice cream in the park. It was such a lovely weather until it started to rain. Although, I was inside then.
Yesterday, I, Tatiana and Anna x2 went to the Bowery and listen to the band Barney Scott. They played really great music. Later, Jytte and her boy friend joined us and we went to a pub. Ordered in two pichters, one with marzipan and the other with pink rain. Really nice both of them.
Hope I'm off soon! :)
Hot Chocolate and a swim
I have just finish my cup of hot chocolate, so nice and just what I needed. Came home for an hour ago after been to school and after to the swimming pool. Always feels so great after have been doing some kind of exercise. This week have I been out jogging for 30 minutes and swimming 30 minutes. Don't think I will have time for some more this week so that's bad because my goal every week is to jog 2 times and swimming once. Hm!
Tonight, I'm off with the girls to New Oxford street to listen to a band. Sorry, forgot the name! However, I think it will be great! And hopefully it wont rain!
Btw, it's Queen's official birthday tomorrow and I hope they are going to have a parade or something. I want to go and have a look! :)
It's fun how I always end up on fb or my blog when I really need to study. But actually I have study some today so it feels ok. After school Anna and I went to her's and planned our trip some more. We have almost decided which cities we want to travel to and starting to make a list over want we need to buy and to bring on out trip. I'm so looking forward to it! It will really be awesome! It just a month left now!!! :)
And it's less than two month left here in UK. A bit sad I have to say although I really looking forward to start university! I'm almost full booked the last weekend that is left already. So lot of things to do before I flying home. I have for example the writing and reading exam in the end of June. So that is why I need to study because grammar and spelling have never been my strong side. Haha!
Sweden’s national day!
Yesterday it was the 6/6 and that's means Sweden's national day! And of course we celebrated that! We decided to go to Stefano's pub and surprise him! He became really happy although I think and know he was happy for some other reasons. :) We had a really nice evening I and the four german girls! Haha! I was the only Swede, a bit bad maybe but we made a toast for Sweden in swedish! Haha! Skål!

Tonight I have eaten something new, Jelly. Hm don't know what to say about it, it didn't taste that much and it was nice to try it.
Will skype with my brother now!
Horse Polo and night out with the girls
As I have told you before, it happened a lot of things on Saturday. Now I will tell you a bit more about it.

Horse Polo was really an experience. The atmosphere was so great and it was crowded. Everyone was dress up in dresses and shirt and some had even hat. It was very nice weather, however, the sun was almost too hot. Everyone were drinking Pimm’s or Champagne and everything felt so British and posh. When it was half-time? the opened up the gates so people could walk on the grass field. They do that because when the horse riding so fast and turn quick the grass comes up and damage the field. So people have to go around and stamp on the grass and lift tussocks back. Haha! I did it too!

We saw two games and we were standing just next to the big grass field. It was very cool to se how they were riding really fast back and forward and tried to get the ball in the goal. It didn’t look easy although in the first match one of the team, who later won, made a goal after just a few seconds. The last game we saw ended quite bad, one fell of his horse and the horse fell on top of him. Think he was unconscious for some minutes but then he stood up and walked out from the grass field. Really scary! But all seemed to end well at least!
It was really something especial!

We ate really delicious yoghurt ice cream with cookies and strawberries!
After the Polo we went home to Jytte to eat and drink something before we went to Fabric. We were drinking Pimm’s that we mixed on our own with Lemonade, strawberries, raspberries and oranges. Such a nice drink! I know it looks a bit strange but it wasn't suppose to be that bubbly but it tasted so great!

Later we took the bus, missed our stop, took the tube – the station were closed. Haha but we arrived to the club before the long que and had a really great night! Lots of guys!! :P Came home 5am!
What A day and night
22 hours! That was my woken hours yesterday. And lot of thing happened! I worked 3h first, then polo with girls. And the night ended with delicious pasta, pimm's, a bit too long bus journey, a closed station and at least Fabric! :) will put some pictures up, maybe later, and write some more. xoxo
Polo tomorrow!
Yes, I'm going to horse polo tomorrow and I'm really excited. Polo feels very British, however, it did come to Britain until 1900 century. I'm going to Hurlingham Park and it was actually there english men had their first games. So a bit cool!
Today have been first Hazel the whole morning! It has been such a lovely weather so we have been out a lot. Talked to my mum for a while. Tigriz is back! When my host mum came home, I took my book, blanket and a pillow outside and lay me on the grass in the sun. So lovely!
I bought this sweater when my brother was here and forgot to put it on my blog. Found it in Urban Outfitters!
Doing noting, Brighton, cinema and Hazel day
Hm what happened with updates every day? Hihi! I can actually blame on Anna. She first slept here on tuesday and then I slept at her's yesterday. So I haven't been home really. But I will tell you now about my week.
Monday, I did......noting! Haha! It was bank holiday so I was free but thought I was going to work so I hadn't made any plans. So I did some homework and read my magazine from Anna. Perfect chill day!
Tuesday, working from 9-3, then jogging 30 min and on the evening Anna come for a sleepover. We booked our first Hostel in Edinburgh! :) Only 5,5 weeks left now! I'm so excited!
Wednesday, Brighton! We had such a lovely day! The weather was so nice so we lay on the beach for at least 3 hours. Then we went for some walk and some shopping. I bought a skirt that actually were shorts. :P and a white vest and leggings. Just things a really wanted so it was perfect. Anna found some things too but only things that she didn't really needed. :P After the shopping tour we went to a chinese restaurant and took take away and ate our food on the beach. Beautiful view! A bit more relaxing in the sun before we bought a organic ice cream (old favourite) and walked to the station.

On the evening we went to the cinema and saw Hangover part 2! It was quite funny and Anna and I laughed a lot but maybe a bit more because we were so tired. However, it was a perfect film to see when you are tired although you don't have to think!
I haven't seen the first film yet so I guess I have to now because Anna said it was better. After we went straight home to Anna's bed, so nice to lay the head on the pillow. :)
But it wasn't so nice to wake up 7.30 and know I was working the whole day. Although, Hazel have been really nice today and she slept for 2,5 hours so I could also sleep for some time. :)
Going to sleep soon!
Good night!
This is my new skirt/shorts! I love it!