Shopping and royal tea pictures
Do you remember that I promise you pictures of everything I bought when my sister and some weeks later, my parents were here. Guess what I have finally taking some pictures! :) Enjoy! But first I just want to show you what Anna and I got yesterday. :)

Royal tea!

Shopping when my sister was here! Things from topshop, urban outfitters and new look

Shopping from when my parents were here. Things from Harrods, topshop and Accessorize. If you look close you can see the silver ring I bought. It matching my other jewellery's that I have got from my family before I arrived to London. So glad when I found it. Forgot that I have a new scarf downstairs and new hair clips also.

My latest purchase! New summer bag! :)
William and Kate <3
I saw them, I saw them on the balcony!
Anna, Sarah and I first went to Trafalgar square to watch the wedding on the big screen. It was really good to stand there because you could everything that was going on and we saw the whole british royal family arraving to the church. The wedding cermony was really beautiful and Kate was so beautiful in her dress. It felt a bit strange watching a big screen when they were just some hundreds meters away.
After they had prayed for the couple we walked towards the mall or at least we tried. Theay had closed almost all the ways to the mall and buckingham place so we first thought we were going to miss them. But we were lucky and ended up in at buckingham gate. So we saw at least five buses arrving with guests the the palace. Then they open they gates so we go infront of the palace and watch Will and Kate and all the others on the balcony. So cool to see them! And it didn't even rain! :)
Tonight we are going to celebrate!

Anna, Sarah and I first went to Trafalgar square to watch the wedding on the big screen. It was really good to stand there because you could everything that was going on and we saw the whole british royal family arraving to the church. The wedding cermony was really beautiful and Kate was so beautiful in her dress. It felt a bit strange watching a big screen when they were just some hundreds meters away.
After they had prayed for the couple we walked towards the mall or at least we tried. Theay had closed almost all the ways to the mall and buckingham place so we first thought we were going to miss them. But we were lucky and ended up in at buckingham gate. So we saw at least five buses arrving with guests the the palace. Then they open they gates so we go infront of the palace and watch Will and Kate and all the others on the balcony. So cool to see them! And it didn't even rain! :)
Tonight we are going to celebrate!

Where to be the 29th of April
School, Hazel and skype (and maybe some fb also :P)!
It's that I have done today it feels like.
Anna and I have talked about the royal wedding the whole day. Where the best place to stand, where we can se the newly couple and if it's going to rain or not. Lot of things to think of!
At the moment am I speaking to Frida about the royal wedding. So everything is about the royal wedding.
I have even dreamt about it, that I miss it, woke up a day to late. Haha!
During and after the ceremony it will be a lot of street parties around London and I will definitely join one.
If you aren't here you can never imagine how big this wedding is.
It's so cool that I will be experience this. I really choose the right year. :)

The royal wedding
On my way home after school, waiting for the train. Thought I had just missed it but it seems like it's delayed. So hoping it coming soon because I'm really hungry. Today have we talked about the royal wedding in school. We read some articals and watch a film about the bride couple. Or at least we tried, it didn't work that good so i'll watch the rest when I'm coming home. Damn, the train was cancelled so now I need to take the tube back again and take a train from west bromton. Glad I know more than one way to get home. I'm not starting to work until 3.30 so that is good as well. But I'm still hungry. xoxo
Brighton - Swim and sunbath
Oh, Such a lovely day! Brighton is my new favourite town, it's have everything. The beach, the shopping, the bar and the night life (the last thing I only know because Linnea's host mum have told her. ;P). A really want to go back before I'm going back home! I was there with Linnea, Johanna, Malin and Kriistina
We arrived at Brighton already at 10.00 and we headed for the beach. When you walking from the station to the beach you can see the ocean almost directly and it's a very beautiful view. We were lucky and could sit in the sun chairs for free in more than an hour. So we sunbath in bikini and after a while decided Linnea and I for taking our first swim in England and for this year. We thought it would be really cold but it's wasn't that bad, maybe 15 degrees. So we took another swim a bit later.

Then we took a organic ice cream by the beach,went out on Brighton Pier, went for some shopping and for lunch/dinner we went to Jamie's Italian. We all ate pasta, I with mushroom and the rest of them rabbit. Not that good that I had hope for but the restaurant was really nice. We sat outside on there roof terrace.

After dinner we went back to the beach for a drink in the sun.
It was really a prefect day!
I"m still full after dinner, guess what we ate?!
Burgers and sausages barbecued and it was so damn good! First for this year!
I haven't done much today but will do so much more tomorrow.
I'm going to Brighton tomorrow with Linnea and co! :)
For just some minutes ago got I a message from Anna saying just the words I wanted to here!
I'm so glad now!!!! :)
Tell you more about it another day!
Easter sunday
I'm sitting outside in the garden and the sun is so hot today again. No rain, no clouds and no thunder, just a beautiful sun. Sun creme seems to be a must this couple of days. I got a bit red in my face after been out the whole day in Hyde Park last friday.
Hazel have splashing in the pool. She has a round pink pool and I wish I was two again so I also could play in it.
Today is just going to be a relaxing day. But I have to finish my homework for tuesday because tomorrow I wont have time to do it. Tell you more later....
Now is time for some lunch!
See you later!
Hyde Park and Oxford street
Woke up with the sun shining though the window. Anna and I headed to Hyde Park for a whole day out in the sun. I was such a lovely day and it couldn't be much better.

After a few hours in the sun we went to waitrose to buy some lunch. We bought fresh bread, cream cheese, ham, orange juice and for dessert organic strawberries and vanilla yoghurt. So delicious!
Sunbath some more before we to a walk to Oxford street for some shopping. But it was just to hot so we gave up after awhile. I bought at least a very nice bag. (picture's coming like pictures of all other things I have bought, promise! ;P) Before we went back to Anna we took a break in Starbucks. Both to frappuccino with strawberries and cream. yummy!

Took a walk back though the park again and it was still very crowded even the clock was past six. I would be interesting to see a number of how many people that visit Hyde Park on friday.
When we came back to Anna we decided that Anna could sleep at my place so she packed her things and we took the train to me. Tea and crispy bread and chocolates eggs and liquorice to dessert ended our day.

Today, Anna and I have been sitting out in the sun again, she drawing and I'm reading. Later, I met up Frida for a fika at Oxford street. We haven't seen each other for a longer time so we had so much to talk about! So nice to see you again Frida!
When I cam out from the train station this evening it had started to rain and it didn't rained just a little. And I also heard thunder. First time I have heard that here in London. But it's not strange that it started to rain actually, the weather have been to warm so I think it was good with a release. Hopefully it's better tomorrow!
Tonight have I taking care of Hazel, have read Mr Wolf's Pancakes and watched Peppa Pig!
Happy Eastern!
Notting Hill Arts club and chocolate eggs
I Have been a bit busy, sunbathing the last couple of days. :P
So have so much to tell you, I will probably forgot to write down half of it but I hope I remember the best things.
I came home 3am thursday morning after a really great night in Notting Hill.
Met up Stefano and three more Italian people in a pub in notting hill. I learned that the people in north Italy didn't like the people in south Italy. Just like we in Sweden don't like half-danish people in the south and the slow people in the north. Haha!
Then, We went to Notting Hill Arts club and I really like it. It was a live band playing first and they were actually really good. After the band had finished, they played a lot of great music. And we danced and danced and danced! So funny! Since Stefano was in Sweden he have been expert on how Swedes look likes. So we were dancing on the dance floor and a group of people came and started to dance and Stefano said directly that he thought they were Swedes. And of course he was right, I heard them speak later. The funny thing with that was that they started to jump up and down on the dance floor in a circle, having the arms around each other. And Stefano joined in! Haha! No one said something to him then but later they all looked very strange at him. Haha!
Really great night and I really want to go back to the Arts club.

First on thursday, I and Hazel went to the playground . It was a lovely weather and we played there for an hour or more. Perfect job to have when it's sunny. :)
In the evening took I the train to Anna. She had been away for a job experience monday to wednesday so we had a lot to speak about. :) We watched a film, quite bad one, and ate chocolate eggs. Yummy!
After the film we fell asleep really quick.
To be continued....
8 months - Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
8 months today and 1/4 of the time left, the time is going too quick. But I have so much to looking forward to so this last months will be the best.
I know I have told you about the weather before but it's just amazing. Have been out jogging today, just 20 mins because it was of course to hot to run. The rest of the day have I spent outside, most in the shadow and reading. It was too hot to be in the sun for a longer time. As I say, it's just amazing!
Tonight have we eaten dinner out of course, for the... I don't know longer. Feels like we haven't eaten indoor for weeks.

I have forgot to tell you about what a pretty thermos Anna gave me. :) I love it! It's a Berlin Starbucks cup and with the Berliner bear on it. And some famous buildings. Thanks a lot Anna! :)
Jogging, sunshine and nail polish
Not so smart of Anna and I but we were out going when it was as warmest. Haha! The sun came out just after I had arrived at Anna's and we said than that is best we go out jogging directly before it becomes warmer. So we walked to Putney Bridge and jogged back. Really nice! Then we made lunch quickly and took, a blanket, a book and some magazines out and found a great spot on the grass in the park just outside Anna's house. It was really lovely weather to started with but then it became a bit cloudy but it was still warm so we lay on the grass for almost two yours I think. Later we went to local hero for a coffee, we really needed it. Was a bit tired!
When we came back Anna came up with the best idea, watch a film and do our nails and toes pretty. So now I have purple nails and pink toenails. Look very nice!
Think I'm going to bed now, really tired!
Good night
A drink to the movie, Portobello market and Linnea
I'm a bit tired, had to get up early today. Linnea have been here but she is already off meeting up her sister who is in London with her boyfriend. Linnea came back from Sweden yesterday, arriving after 9pm here so we just ate a bagel and drank a cup of tea before we played a game card. Yeah! I have finally bought a pack of cards, with William and Kate. Nice to play again, have really missed that. Lovely to she you again Linnea! :)

On friday was I at Anna's and the meaning was that we should had gone to the Elk bar so we started to drink. But both of us was quite tired so we decided to stay home watch a film instead. Felt a bit weird to be a bit tipsy and watch a film, haha! But we watched Ocean eleven, one of my favourite movies and ate some chocolate. Not all of them, bought a bit too much but what could a do when it was buy one get two free. Haha!

Yesterday went we first to Portobello Market, it was so crowded but it was so nice just walking around and look at all thing and all people. Then we went to Starbucks and found the perfect chairs. Sat there for a long time! Took a long walk later, though Kensington Garden and we ended up going to science museum which was quite cool. It was a really beautiful day so it was really perfect walking around.
Now I'm off to Anna again but this time for a jog.
Later Cinema, Red Riding Hood - for £1! :)
Flight tickets booked
My brother is coming here next month, between the 21 and 25 of May. It will be so great! :)

This is my shelf with some of the things that I have saved from different trips, parties and shopping ect. But I have a good idea what I can do with all things so I can save them or at least some of it. :P
As you can understand I have a lot of things not just those things you can see in the picture. So I really hope everything is going to fit in my luggage when I'm flying home the 30 of July.
Yeah I know the date now and it feels a bit sad. I have been here soon eight months and I really like it here. But I also want to start study and I don't want to do it here so I guess it's time to go back home.
Now I'm just going to enjoy the last 3,5 months that I have.
Can you guess how many day I have been here, when I fly back?
Tonight I'm going to sleep at Anna's. She is back from Germany after two weeks and I have missed her so much!
Will be great to see you again!
Parents here part 3 - Shopping and parks
Tuesday and the big shopping day or at least for my parents. :P My father went to the British Museum so it's was just mum and I who walked along oxford street and Carnaby street. My mum bought a jacket, scarf, sunglasses ect. She was really pleased with all things. After we had eaten lunch in a restaurant in Carnaby street we took dad to Topman for some shopping. He found quite much, sunglasses, 2 t-shirt and a shirt ect.
After the shopping tour took we the tube to Hyde Park. We went by Speakers corner took the picture below

It was a bit windy but it was so nice walking around in the park.
Later we took the tube back to Piccadilly and we went to Starbucks for a coffee. Or my mum always drinks tea. Dad and I took the new Cocoa Cappuccino, I hadn't tried that one yet but it was really nice. Took the train back just after ten I think. We all had started to get very tired. I'm not usually that active five days straight. haha!

The last day of my parents trip and this day went by to fast. First they come to me so I could put some things that I don't need anymore in theirs bags. I have so much things here and I don't understand how everything is going to fit in my bags when I'm flying home. But that's a later problem. But packing everything down and get the right weight to awhile.
After that took we the train to Victoria to go to St James Park and Buckingham Palace. St James Park is definitely the most beautiful park in London. Then we just took something to eat before we went back to me and pick up the luggage. I followed them to the train station and said good bye.
The days went by so quickly but we had a really great time.
I'm glad I could show them all things here! :)
Parents here part 2 - Dinner and car-day
Sunday and time for some shopping at Oxford street ( my father wasn't that happy :P) and some lunch at Leon. We didn't have so much time because my parents were invited to me and my host family for dinner. It was a really beautiful evening so we could sit outside in the garden. We gave Hazel a bear in a bunny costume from Harrods and she really love it. (We have played a lot with it today and all her others soft toys) As I have write before, my parents aren't that good in English but I have to say they managed to speak quite good. But it was a bit comic because Hazel grandfather is here and he don't speak that good either. So my parents spoke Swenglish and the grandfather spoke Spanenglish. Haha! It was a lovely dinner and my host mother had made such a delicious food.

On monday we hired a car and went to Highclere Castle and Stonehenge. My father have never drove on the left side before but he did it really great. Was only over on the right side twice. ;P The problem was instead to found the way out from London, it took awhile. Damn small roads with house that look the same everywhere. Haha! The picture above is Highclere Castle and it's there they have filmed Downton Abbey. A new series that they showed on tv here in November and in Sweden in February- March. I have miss it but my parents and my siblings have seen it. We couldn't go inside because they were filming. :P

Went to the nearest town, Newbury, for some food. We found a really nice brasserie just by the canal that went though the town.
We came to Stonehenge just when the sun had started to go down. It was actually quite amazing to see the big stones. :P We could just stand outside the fence because it was closed. But it didn't matter, took really nice photos still.
Was great to get a ride home.
Parents here part 1 - Greenwich
My parents arrived friday night so had just time to meet them at the airport and follow them to the hotel to see how their room look like. Quite nice actually! On saturday were we suppose to met at Clapham Junction because both my parents and I had to change train there. When I had waited 20 minutes I called them to see where the hell they were. My first thoughts were that they hadn't managed to buy the travel card (they aren't that good at English) or that they had overslept but they had just misunderstand me and when I call they were already at Waterloo station. So met them at Waterloo for see some tourist things at Westminster. My parents was late time in London when they were 15 (mum) and 18 (dad) so they like the guided tour I took them on. :P So thing had changed but some was still the same.
After walked around for a while we took the boat to Greenwich. I haven't done that before so it was fun to do something new. And I really like the boat trip. One of the crew was like a tour guided and told us about all building we passed. We were so lucky with the weather, sun shine so we could sit outside the whole journey.

When we arrived we headed for a pub for some lunch. Found a really cosy one with great food and cold beers :P
After that we went to royal observatory to see the mean time clock and prime meridian. Quite interesting and I can go back if I want because the entry ticket is valid for one year.
Before we took the train to London Bridge we took a ice cream in the sun. So lovely!
Took the tube to Harrods for some shopping, bought a umbrella. :) A red one! When Harrods closed we went to Piccadilly to take some photos and buy something to eat before we took the bus home (because it was something wrong with victoria line we were suppose to take.) So great day! :)
To be continued...
Parents on a visit
I have had some amazing days with my parents. I have showed them everything worth seeing and we also hired a car for a day and drove to Highclere Castle and Stonehenge. So I have so much to tell you but I so tired so I'm writing more tomorrow.

Good night
Not a cloud in sight
It was so nice weather yesterday and the day before but today have it been even nicer and hotter. I have been sitting in the shadow reading almost the whole afternoon. So wonderful! I also made a fruit salad with strawberries, kiwi, grapes, banana and apple that I ate in the sun. It really feels like summer.
Today I have been to school and it was quite nice to be back, have missed it a bit. But now we have two weeks of because of the eastern and I'm glad my parents are coming tonight and staying to wednesday so I have something to be busy with.
I have to leave in half a hour so I will be in time at the airport. Hope the flight is on time! Hate to wait longer than I have to!
Tomorrow we are taking the boat to Greenwich from Westminster Pier. So hoping for lovely weather.
Parents arriving tomorrow
My parents are coming tomorrow, arriving 8 pm on Gatwick. I will welcome them there with an awesome sign. Haha! Like my homemade sign, something especial about them.
Today has the weather been even nice than yesterday. Almost too hot so I have spend quite much time in the shadow and even then I have got some tan. So nice!
Hazel and I went to the library today and after to the playground. Kicked some football, swung and slide down the slide. Really lovely weather.

School tomorrow and then eastern break for two weeks.
Dinner out in the garden
The day have been so lovely and warm, have been out almost the whole day. In the morning Hazel, Hazel granddad and I went to the playground for two hours. Hazel was quite wild and run around everywhere. Haha! After I had put Hazel to bed for her siesta I went out in shorts and vest to relax in the garden. Hazel didn't want to sleep so I took here out and we played out for a long time. When she wanted to go inside her granddad follow her so I could sit in the sun some more.
But the best of all is that we sat outside 7 pm tonight, eating our dinner. Can you do that in Sweden? :P
Guess what I'm listen to?
Here comes the sun with the Beatles.
Feels perfect to listen to today.
Mr Wolf's Pancakes
Hazel has a new book, a new favourite for me. It's called Mr Wolf's Pancakes. It's about a Wolf who wants to make pancakes but he isn't that good at doing that. So he ask he's neighbours (little red riding hood, three little pigs ect) for help but no of them want to help. It's takes a while but Mr Wolf's managed in the end to make delicious pancakes. But then his rude neighbours coming by and say they want to eat the pancakes. Mr Wolf let them in and when everyone is in the kitchen Mr Wolf eat them all up. Haha! So great book!
I have read the book twice today, Hazel love it too!
Going to watch Stockholm - Bastad now.
New comedy series in Sweden.
Good night!
Hogskoleprovet gick inte som jag hade tankt mig, fick samma resultat som forra gangen. Men som tur var gjorde ocksa Rebecca och Frida provet i lordags sa nar det var slut sa gick vi hem till Rebecca. Vi bestallde pizza fran pizza hut och sag pa Eat, pray and love. Jatte mysigt och filmen var riktigt bra! Tack for att ni gjorde dagen riktigt bra iaf! :)
Igar sokt jag till Universitetet och jag anmalde mig till 13 program/kurser sa nagot borde jag val komma in pa. Hatar att jag maste vanta till den 14-15 juli for att fa veta och kanske inte ens for veta da. Men det ar som sagt inte sa mkt att gora at. Kande att jag behovde rensa tankarna efter det sa gick ut och sprang. Dock var det lite for varmt (aven fast jag sprang i shorts och t-shirt) sa de blev bara 20 min men lite styrketraning ocksa.

Nar vi gick fran svenska skolan sa gick vi over Hammersmith bron och dar var det massa med folk som tittade pa rodd. Jag har glomt att titta upp vad det var men jag horde nagon saga: 44 Germany! Sa kanske det var nagot internationell tavling. Kul att se!
Igar sokt jag till Universitetet och jag anmalde mig till 13 program/kurser sa nagot borde jag val komma in pa. Hatar att jag maste vanta till den 14-15 juli for att fa veta och kanske inte ens for veta da. Men det ar som sagt inte sa mkt att gora at. Kande att jag behovde rensa tankarna efter det sa gick ut och sprang. Dock var det lite for varmt (aven fast jag sprang i shorts och t-shirt) sa de blev bara 20 min men lite styrketraning ocksa.
Pa kvallen var jag barnvakt och vi hade det sa mysigt! Skypade med familjen och nar Hazel sag vilka det var sa gick hon och hamtade Pippi dockan direkt (Hon har fatt den av min syster och bror). Sa sott hon ar! Vi at ocksa efterratt eftersom jag hade fatt en jatte sot mini tarta av Anna innan hon akte till Berlin. Hazel sa: Cake ever! Det betyder allra basta tartan. Haha!

Den var faktiskt valdigt god. Det roda ar typ sockerkaka som ar fargade rod och de vita ar vit choklad. Chokladen var sa himla god! Gillar verkligen burken den kom i ocksa!
Idag har jag ocksa tagit hand om Hazel eftersom mamman ar pa kurs den har veckan. Vi hittade pa massa saker, var ute i tradgarden och vattnade och forsokte rocka rockring (gick mindre bra, haha!), laste Mr Wolf Pancakes (min nya favoritbok, berattar mer nagon annan gang), sag pa pippi, dansade osv. Sa det har varit fullt upp. Blir det imorgon ocksa men da ska vi forst pa morgonen till Funky monkey och sedan kommer morfar pa eftermiddagen sa kommer inte vara ensam med Hazel hela veckan.
Bast jag gar och lagger mig!
Högskoleprovet tomorrow
Sorry it's going to be in Swedish this time. Or I just changed my mind! Haha! It's actually easier to write in English when I write my blog. Maybe because I always do that now.
I have to go to sleep soon, have to go up 5.45 tomorrow. It's time for my last högskoleprov. I'll not do it again because I don't care about my result this time, I really want to begin study this autumn. And hopefully I will get in somewhere. :P
I have had a really great day today btw. My class went for a school trip to the house of Parliament and it's was very interesting. The building was enormous and I could have walked around for hours just looked at all amazing halls. We went in to the house of Lords to listen to a discussion about the Libya conflict. We were also suppose to go to the house of the commons, but we run out of time so I have to go back and go there.
After school went Anna and I to Anna's and made rice pudding (risgrynsgröt) with cinnamon and strawberries. So delicious! Then I followed Anna to the tube and said good bye! :( She is going to be in Germany for two weeks and I don't know how I will survive without her. :( See you soon, Anna!
Have to go to bed soon but first I will tell you about what we ate for dessert tonight! Apple cake! So yummy! :)
Wish me luck! :)
Good night!