8 months - Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine

8 months today and 1/4 of the time left, the time is going too quick. But I have so much to looking forward to so this last months will be the best.
I know I have told you about the weather before but it's just amazing. Have been out jogging today, just 20 mins because it was of course to hot to run. The rest of the day have I spent outside, most in the shadow and reading. It was too hot to be in the sun for a longer time. As I say, it's just amazing!
Tonight have we eaten dinner out of course, for the... I don't know longer. Feels like we haven't eaten indoor for weeks.
I have forgot to tell you about what a pretty thermos Anna gave me. :) I love it! It's a Berlin Starbucks cup and with the Berliner bear on it. And some famous buildings. Thanks a lot Anna! :)


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