Movie night with sleepover and pancakes
The weekend had been so great! I have been at Anna's and we started with some jogging on friday and then we were suppose to study but it didn't went so good. Haha! Instead we ended up making rice pudding in the oven and watching "Love and other drugs"! The film was so great! Fun, exiting as well as beautiful! It was so nice just have a movie night at a friends house for once. I don't remember when I last did that.

We went up already at 8.30 because it was house viewing at 10.00 (Anna's host parents trying to sell the house) We didn't want to be in the house so we went to a very nice cafe called del Aziz. They have really delicious cakes (or they look delicious at least, have to try them soon) but we ate the pancakes with fruit salad and drank smoothie. The smoothies was so great, I took one with strawberries, banana, yoghurt and apple and Anna drank wake up with Apple, banana, almond, dates and milk. The pancakes was ok, I don't really like thick pancakes and I think I can make so much better ones. But I very much liked the cafe, next time I will try some cake.
On the evening took I care of Hazel and after she had falling asleep I watched Midsomer murders. I really like that series and especial now when I'm in England. I thought I would go to bed then but I ended up talking to Linnea for 1,5 hours. :) Will se you on thursday Linnea! :)
Today have I actually study the whole morning. Did my homework for tuesday and did the english reading part for my exam. I made pancakes for lunch with fruit salad and just a little bit of honey. (My pancakes are so much better) While I was eaten I read the newspaper and found a voucher. It said, if you go to the cinema today and choosing a film to see before 5pm, you only have to pay £1. So the next second I was in my room looking on the website after a good film and found "No strings attached". Text Anna and then I was running to the train, miss my first changes so was quite late when I came to Imperial Wharf so run the whole way to the cinema. I maybe missed maximum 5 min off the film but it didn't do anything because the movie was so great. I really love it and Ashton Kutcher is so handsome. :) So a raining sunday turned out to be a really great one!
No strings attached
I have been to the cinema today and watched "No strings attached with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It was so great, I love the film. And another very great thing is that I only paid £1. :) More update later, will take a shower now!

Such a lovely day
It was 19 degrees today and sunny all day. So great! Hope it will be warm tomorrow as well. I took a walk and I wish I had taken my green coat instead. Actually I think it would have been enough with just a sweater. I'm so glad that I'm in London because in Sweden is it still snow on the ground and -14. Lovely! :P

Yesterday Hazel was up in my room and played in my bed with hers and mine's soft toys.She was so cute!
Now is it just a week left to Robyn's concert in Round house! It will be so awesome! I really looking forward to it!
Btw I got my letter from school today so I can finally go and get my certificate. Wow! :)
Windsor - castle and shopping
I listen to the best song Hello - martin solveig & dragonette. I just want to dance! My day have been so lovely today, Anna and I have been to Windsor and explored the castle and the shops. The weather wasn't the best but at least it didn't start raining. The castle was so cool, it's the biggest castle in the world where someone lives in. It was so enormous and we walked around for hours. The rooms was grand with lot of details and so beautiful furniture and paintings. I bought a card with the view over the whole castle taken from the sky. It wasn't easy to get a good picture over the castle. It was to big. It cost £15 but it included a audio guide and it was so great to listen to. You actually experiences so much more when you have someone who tells you about everything instead of reading it.

Before we went shopping we ate some lunch at a restaurant. We were quite hungry after almost 4 hours in the castle. Windsor was such a lovely town with narrow streets and it was so great to shop there because it wasn't that many people. I bought a bra and a party bag. I really hope this one will not broke like the other one.

The day was so great and I definitely want to go back to windsor some more time.
Bacardi, Fabric, shopping
I have had a amazing weekend. Saturday started with some shopping at oxford street. Both Anna and I bought a short-dress at topshop. See picture! From 1 to 4.30 took I care of Hazel and then I took the train to Anna. Under the meantime we made us ready for a night out we drank bacardi and coke and ate cookies and gingerbread. Haha was just perfect tipsy when we took the tube to Fabric.
Woke up when Anna came in the room with breakfast. Porridge with banana, coffee and bread with different toppings as philadelphia cheese, jam, cheese etc. Thanks for a lovely breakfast, Anna!
We paid only £10 instead of £19 if you are not student and just £1 for the clock room. Fabric was really cool, I very much like the rooms, three dance floor and bars everywhere. They played techno, electronic the whole night and I think it can be quite great to dance to but after 4 h it became a bit too much. But I liked the club, it was definitely worth £10 but maybe not £19. Want to come to the club after 5am one time to see how the music is then. The club is open until 8am on saturdays. We went to mcdonalds before we took the bus home to Anna's. So lovely with food on the way home.
Woke up when Anna came in the room with breakfast. Porridge with banana, coffee and bread with different toppings as philadelphia cheese, jam, cheese etc. Thanks for a lovely breakfast, Anna!
We took later the tube to Westfield for some shopping, I bought a pair of shoes. To end the weekend we went to wagamama for some dinner and dessert. Really great food and I paid only £7 for my main course.
Soo great weekend! :)
Tomorrow, Anna and I are going to Windsor!
Sweet dreams!
Awesome weekend
I have had a really great weekend with party, shopping and delicious food! Will tell you more tomorrow, I'm so tired now. But you can look at some photos from the weekend in the meantime. Good night!


Chocolate cake

New shoes
I went to the swimming pool in Fulham after school today. It's was so nice to swim again, I don't think I have done it since last spring. I used to do it once a week back in Sweden. It was really cheap here but I'm not sure if it was a good thing actually because it was not so fresh and you shared dressing room or almost at least. When you get in to the dressing room is it lot of lockers and small lockers rooms that you can lock. The shower "rooms" and the toilets was at least separate but it wasn't even a door. You just walk around the wall, so weird. You can also see the pool from the changing room. I didn't like that! And I still can feel the smell from the chlorine even although I took a shower when I got home as well. That's really crap because I very much enjoyed to swim again, I swam for 30 minutes. It's a very do conditioner, you exercise the whole body. So I maybe go back, would be really nice to swim once a week but I have to think about it first.
Tonight, I'm babysit. Actually I just want to go to bed, I'm very tired.
Looking forward to tomorrow, we are going to Fabric then. Hopefully I'm free the whole day and then I will meet up Anna for some shopping.
Sweet dreams!
Spring is coming
I have looked after Hazel almost the whole day today so haven't been to school. Instead of school Hazel and I took a lovely walk in the sunshine and before we went home we went to the playground. The wether was very nice so it really felt like the spring is finally coming.
I'm babysitting now because the parents is at Arsenal - Barcelona football match tonight. The fathers team is Arsenal and the mothers team is Barcelona so it will be quite funny to hear which team who has won. Atm I'm looking at masterchef a cooking program and I like it. It was the mother who told me that was a good series. But the worst is, I'm get really hungry again. :P I also want to taste the food.
What to do with my life
i have discussed jobs and education with my brother in more than a hour tonight. And I'm not sure if I got any wiser. Starting to study at an University will be a very big step for me but it's something I really want to do. Thats for sure! I also sure that I will never be able to say what I want to work with in the future before I begin to study. But something thats scares me are, if I feel I have chosen the wrong education, will I be able to find the right one ever? Or what if I get my examen but later don't like to work with it. I really thought when I graduated from upper secondary school, that if I take a year off from school I will know what I want to work with in the future. It soon two years since i finished upper secondary school and I still don't know. Don't like it at all because I love to make plans so I know where I'm in life. So I very much hate I have to chose University soon.
Sorry for my very bad english tonight! Going to bed for some reading now.
Good night!
Happy Valentine's day!
I have done a lot of things today, so I'm really proud of myself. Taking care of Hazel, studied for the exam and been out jogging! When my host mother came home she went up to my room and said: Malin you have got a Valentine card! She looked so exiting but I didn't opened until she had left. So when we was gather round the dinner table tonight my host father asked if someone had got anything today and looked at me. Haha! When I told them it was just from my family I think they got a bit disappointed. Haha! But look how lovely card I received from my family. The best card ever!

Love when it something especial because you have the perfect reason to celebrate then. So today had the mother bought two delicious cake, one with strawberries and one with chocolate. Just look at the picture below. Yummy!

Talked to my sweet sister and Linnea before. Love ours conference calls!
Good night all sweethearts!
I'm tired, it have been such a lazy day. Woke up at 11, took a long shower and ate breakfast around 12. Oat porridge with banana, a glass of milk and crispy bread with egg and cheese. So nice! Then, I went up to my room for doing a Dtk test for the university test I have to do in april. Dtk is one of the five parts and consist of diagrams of different types. Not my favourite part so it is good that I studies to it. Took a break for some lunch/ tea, fruit salad with yoghurt and crispy bread with cheese and ham. I watched "How I meet your mother" while I was eating. I saw the first episode in the first season because I have never seen it and it was really funny. Now, I think I will start to repeat swedish words that I have written done because I answered wrong when I did one of the tests. i probably have around hundred words so I hope I can remember some of them.
The rest of the weekend have I been working. Friday from 2 to 9 and saturday from 1-6. But that also means that I have almost my whole salary for this week left. Wow! So someone who wants to do some shopping next week? Need to spend some money! Haha!

Do you like my outfit? I will say it's the perfect outfit for the weekend. Love my yellow knee socks. I have walking around like that both saturday and today. It makes me feel so relaxed. But I actually changed clothes before I met up William and Esther yesterday. We went to pub somewhere near piccadilly but it was quite hard to found a pub that had some available sits. I think it took a hour to found the pub, haha so bad! It was a great pub to just sit and talk for hours because the music wasn't that loud and it wasn't that many people in the pub.
The rest of the weekend have I been working. Friday from 2 to 9 and saturday from 1-6. But that also means that I have almost my whole salary for this week left. Wow! So someone who wants to do some shopping next week? Need to spend some money! Haha!
Oh, Have I told you that I have a new chair in my room. It replaced my ikea chair and I promise to take a picture and put it on my blog next week. I really like it.
Damn, I have stomach ache again, had it on friday and on monday a well. But i think I know what the problem is now. Every time I had stomach ache I had eaten pineapple. So I don't think i shall eat it. Thats sucks because I really like it but I don't like stomach ache.
Long day
Came just out from the shower. It have been my cleaning day today and it was so nice with a shower now. Sitting in my "Den svenska bjornstammen" t-shirt, the band and the t-shirt are best! :) i wish I could see them live soon but I don't think they are going to have a concert in London. Hopefully can I see them in the summer.
It's thursday so Hazel and I have been to the library for rhyme time. I also looked after a good book and found one.
"Val Mcdermid - A darker domain" She is my favorite writer! She is the writer of the "wire in the blood" books. They are so great and I also love the tv-serie with the same name.
So I just have to wait for the washing machine to be finished and then I will starting to read the book.
Good night!
Lunch with Sandra and Anna!
I overslept for 15 minutes this morning but I was actually not late when I left the house. But of course when I came to the train station my train was cancelled so I had hurry for nothing. Came a half hour late to school but I hadn't missed anything because the teacher was just read some Valentine poems. And because is it Valentine on monday our teacher gave us one little chocolate each. See the picture below!
After school went Sandra, Anna and I to Sandra's. I really love her house it was so nice! Both Anna and I said, please can we move in here! Haha! Sandra had a big kitchen with a kitchen island in the middle (is it the right word in english?) and when I got my own house I really want one. The rest of the house was so lovely as well.
We made pasta with mushrooms, basil, tomatoes, feta and garlic. We also ate a very delicious bread with raisin and peanut in. So delicate! Before I took the tube home Sandra and I went for a walk and she showed my the fulham palace, who has a very nice garden. Perfect for picnics in the summer. It was a so nice day!
I did it!
I passed my exam in speaking and listening and I'm so happy! It really feels great! And today in school we did a test for the reading part we going to have in june. I got 31/40, best in my class! :) So this day have been so great! It have also been sunny all day so the first I did after coming back from school was go back out again for a jog. So nice! But think I ran a bit to fast in the beginning because was so tired in the end. Haha! At least I ran for 30 min!
Look what a sweet picture I found! Hazel love my sheep "hottie" and every time she is going up to my room, she do the sheep sound, in swedish! bääää! Haha! It sounds so sweet!
Btw I was really busy before because everyone wanted to speak to me. I was talking to Linnea on skype and then my sister called and wanted to join us. So where talking with both of them but at the same time wrote Marcello, Jimmy and Marine on facebook. It was not so easy! Especially when I swop between english and swedish. Haha!
I'm going to bed now for some reading!
Good night!
Not my day!
Det har inte varit min dag idag, till och med jag har varit emot mig sjalv. Sov ganska daligt inatt, kunde inte somna och sedan vakna jag for tidigt. Hatar att gora det! Sa lag och drog mig till 8 imorse vilket var skont men var fortfarande trott sen nar jag val gick upp. Frukost och sa gjorde jag faktiskt min laxa tills imorn, valdigt skont att inte behova gora den nu. Sedan tankte jag da ut och springa men jag hitta pa att de var for blasigt sa strunt i det. Bra jobbat Malin. Fick igen det! Efter lunch sa passa jag Hazel mellan 2-7 pm och vi hade det validigt mysigt. Men efter middagen fick jag ont i magen. Hatar att ha ont i magen! Hade lite ont nagon timme efter lunchen ocksa. Nu kanns det battre men vill typ bara ga och lagga mig. Jag ar sa jakla sugen pa att ata nagot ocksa men vagar inte riktigt gora det. Vill inte ha ont i magen nar jag ska sova. Vad kan man egentligen ata forutom youhurt?!
Iaf sa kanns det battre nu och ska nog snart ga o lagga mig. Last ut min bok nu sa tankte borja pa en ny. Hittade bridget jones's diary sa ska borja lasa den ikvall.
Celebrating Jimmy
Last night we were in camden celebrating Jimmy. He is going to be 24 on monday so he celebrating the whole weekend. We went to a restaurant first to eat some dinner, Anna and I shared a pizza, really nice and to dessert took we apple crumble with vanilla ice cream. yummy! After that we went to a pub and Anna and I ordered screaming orgasm (mine, with kaluha, baileys, milk, cream and something more) and sex one the beach. Haha! So damn good!

Sam was so mean all the time, and weird! Haha! After Anna had changed shoes, talk to the german people on the terrace we went to the next pub. I like that one better, quite good music and lots of more people. The night ended to early. Hate the trains but a half an hour before Jimmy and Sam had to leave came Stefano. One of my new classmate this term so it was nice talking with him. i really enjoyed the night! I have so great pictures on my camera. Haha!

Today have I been to the best starbucks in London with Anna, Rebecca and Frida. So nice "Bakis-fika"! We sat there for in nearly four hours. Perfect sunday! When I came back it was time for babysitting and Hazel had so much energy today. She was running round, round and round but now I think and hope she have falling a sleep. The parents are already home so I can go to sleep anyway.
Good night!
Biff stew, red wine and chocolate cake
Jag har inte riktigt tid att skriva sa de far bli pa svenska. Orka inte skriva igar och ska ivag snart sa tankte att jag skulle uppdatera lite fort. Gardagen var lugn, tog hand om Hazel efter skolan till typ 7. Sedan var det middag, mamman gjorde en jatte god kottgryta med bla, morotter, lok och rodvin i. Den var super god. Alskar grytor! Till det drack vi ett rott vin till, amarone vin. (Vakna inte av kramp inatt sa det var ju bra!) Till efterratt blev det choklad tarta. Sa himla gott! Jag var sa jakla uppe i varv sedan sa det blev inget plugg som jag hade forst tankt. Men vem fan pluggar pa en fredagkvall! :P

Samsta bilden men jag var tvungen att visa vad jag har kopt for nytt snacks. Det var verkligen jatte gott! Typ som tunna kex eller vad man ska saga. Jatte gott! Kopt ocksa saklart russin. Forsoker ju vara nyttig men det gar ju inte alltid sa bra men nu har jag iaf nagot om jag blir lite smahungrig.
Ikvall ska vi fira Jimmy, han fylller 24 pa mandag! Vi ska forst ut och ata och sedan blir det nagra pubar. Kommer bli sa kul! Maste gora iordning mig nu!
Black swan
I don't know what to say about this film. My first thought is that I don't like it. To much blood, broken bones, weird thing coming out from people bodies and to much "holding the breath". But still, the actors are really good, the story as well. So it wasn't a "Malin-film" as Christopher said. Is it worth to see? Yeah I think so if you are not to sensible. Anna and I have decided to see a comedy next time. Haha! I was a bit afraid of not be able to sleep but I fall asleep quite quick last night.
Today have Hazel and I been to the library and the playground. When we were at the playground, a boy, maybe 3-4 years old was also playing. First was Hazel really shy, she didn't even moved when he came towards her. But after a while started she follow him. So sweet!

We watch the film in room 7. it's a really nice salon! We have watched The social network here as well.
Today have Hazel and I been to the library and the playground. When we were at the playground, a boy, maybe 3-4 years old was also playing. First was Hazel really shy, she didn't even moved when he came towards her. But after a while started she follow him. So sweet!
Time for brushing my teeth, because no one in my family wants to log in to skype and talk to me. :(
Instead I''m going to see the documentary about Ingvar Kamprad and IKEA.
Good night!
Drizzling day on grandma's birthday
Ibland sa maste man bara skriva av sig pa svenska. Speciellt nar man ar sa dalig pa engelska som jag ar. Men eftersom jag ar sa dalig sa borde jag ju skriva pa englska for att trana. Jag vet! Men har ju laxa till imorn om att skriva om sig sjalv och har precis gjort det sa far racka med englskan for idag. Jag har ju varit i skolan idag och sedan nar jag kom hem prata jag med mamman sa har bara pratat engelska idag. Och i helgen prata jag ocksa bara engelska eftersom jag och Anna spendera typ hela helgen tillsammans. <3.
Jag tog en promenad pa en timme forut, tankte att jag skulle ga till balham men gick visst lite fel sa det blev inte sa. Jag ville ga dit for att veta hur langt det var till tunnelbanan. Men nu kom jag pa att vi har en narmare nagonstans. Far kolla upp det mer!
Idag fyller mormor ar, hon blev 85 ar. Ringde henne efter att jag hade kommit hem fran skolan och da svara Mats, min morbror. Kul att prata nagra ord med honom. Sedan prata jag och mormor. De skulle dricka kaffe och ata tarta. Onskar att jag var dar!
Nu ska jag ner och dricka en kopp te och ata knackebrod! :)