What to do with my life
i have discussed jobs and education with my brother in more than a hour tonight. And I'm not sure if I got any wiser. Starting to study at an University will be a very big step for me but it's something I really want to do. Thats for sure! I also sure that I will never be able to say what I want to work with in the future before I begin to study. But something thats scares me are, if I feel I have chosen the wrong education, will I be able to find the right one ever? Or what if I get my examen but later don't like to work with it. I really thought when I graduated from upper secondary school, that if I take a year off from school I will know what I want to work with in the future. It soon two years since i finished upper secondary school and I still don't know. Don't like it at all because I love to make plans so I know where I'm in life. So I very much hate I have to chose University soon.
Sorry for my very bad english tonight! Going to bed for some reading now.
Good night!