Chalet girl
I had a really great day yesterday with Anna. We went to Putney for some shopping after school. Anna found quite a lot of things. We took a fast lunch (sandwich and smoothie) before Anna took the bus home and I took the bus to the swimming pool. Swam 30 minutes and it was so nice because the pool was almost empty. I had only time to eat when I came back home before I took the train back to Fulham. Bought Ben & Jerry ice cream on my way to Anna (half price) that we later ate during the film. We watched Chalet girl and I really like it! Ben & Jerry's and a very great film! Can't be better! And the company was of course awesome! :)

Oh, I wish I was the girl! He was so gorgeous!
Now I'm going to skype with Linnea!
Hazel sweet Hazel
Today have I done two things. Been to school and taking care of Hazel. In school we talked about politics and we are going to the house of parliament on friday. I really looking forward to that. After school was it time to take care of Hazel. And we have done so much funny today. Her parents are not home tonight so I put Hazel to sleep also. I really like that part. She chose a book and I read it when we are sitting together in the big armchair. Tonight we also dance for awhile after the bath. Haha! Oh she is so sweet!
I hope she is falling asleep soon!
Good night!
Birthday cards!
I thought I could show you all my birthday cards I got, just a week after my birthday. I haven't done some much today, study for the exam and been out jogging. And also played with Hazel.

The cards are from (from left): My family, my host family, Anna and Jytte and my brother.
Thanks again!
It have been such a nice day! I have been to Oxford with Anna and Jytte and we took the bus quite early for Victoria station. We have walked around a lot today and I think it's the best thing to explore the city. It's so nice with narrows street and old buildings and of course the university with all the collage. But I had forgot to charge my camera so I only have like 8 pictures, lucky for me, both Anna and Jytte had brought theirs camera so I will get theirs pictures. :)

We went to Christ church collage and I really like the building. We walked around in the dinning hall were they have filmed the Harry Potter films and also sat down in the Cathedral for listen to some music. My host father went to this collage and lot of famous people as well, like Lewis Carroll (who wrote Alice in Wonderland). So it was really cool to walk around in the building. One thing I really wanted to was a classroom or something similar because now it just felt like we really was going on a tour in a old building not an University. Maybe next time! After we went to St Mary's church and up in the church tower. From there we had an amazing view over Oxford. We were so lucky with the weather, sunshine the whole the except from the morning.

Yesterday I met up this three people! It was so nice to see you again! But we had a really bad luck, it was a demonstration for all the cut the government have to do. People got quite violent so lots of shops closed at oxford street. Really crap! But we had a really nice time still, took a coffee at Costa (of course ;P) and then we went to Westminster to have a look at Big Ben, London Eye and the Themes! I hope you had a really great birthday Ida! :)
Now I'm going to bed!
Picnic in the park with Anna
I'm so tired so I think I'm going to go to bed soon. But I have had such a lovely and funny day today. The sun has shining all day so I have walking around with just a cardigan and on my feet I wore ballerinas. After school went Anna and I to the park just at her house. We had bought coffee, strawberries and chocolate yoghurt (tasted like pudding) that we ate in the sun. It actually was so hot that took of my shoes and took of my cardigan. So lovely just lay in the grass and laughing for nothing. Hahah! I can't remember what we were laughing about but we did that a lot. Maybe it was to much sugar and coffee. Haha! I always have such a great time when I'm with you, Anna! I'm so jealous of you, I also want to go to Paris! Will miss you this weekend! :) <3

Later I went swimming it was some weeks ago I did that so had almost forgot why I like it so much. Afterwards i took the bus to putney and took the lovely picture above just at putney bridge. It is taken with my mobile so it wasn't easy to get a good one. I tried to catch all the colours!
Tonight have I eaten birthday cake with my host family. We hadn't have time to eat it before. My host mother had made to different cakes, one chocolate and strawberries and one raspberry with cream. So delicious! We ate it with whipped cream and ice cream. Yummy! So now have I celebrate my birthday three times! Not bad! :)
Now I'm going to put my computer beside my bed and changing to pyjamas. Will be so nice! Thinking of watching "How I met your mother" before I turn off the light!
Tomorrow I'm going to Oxford street to meet up Linnea, Ida and their mother. Will be so nice to see us!
And on sunday I'm going to the real Oxford with Jytte and Anna! :)
Good night!
Birthday and so much more part 4
Monday, the big shopping day plus theatre on the evening. We went to Oxford street and then later Carnaby street. Carnaby street is so nice just to walk around, narrows streets and small unique shops. I have miss that part of London before so it was really great to finally explore it.

We ate the best lunch, picnic, in St James Park. We sat just by the water with Buckingham Palace in the background. The weather was so great! We bought the food at Waitrose at Oxford street. Waitrose have really the best food, we found almost all groceries organic and we ordered cheese from an especial cheese desk. Everything tasted so delicious and it probably tasted even better because we were sitting outside.

Organic cheese, blueberry, brie and blue cheese. Organic strawberries. Organic sun-dried tomatoes.
When we had finished shopping we went to starbucks and took a frappuccino each. I got a bigger sized then I ordered, me like! :P After the drink we went to the comedy theatre to watch "The children's hour" with for example Keira Knightley in the casting. The theatre was a bit weird but the actors act really great. It was also very nice to see a "real" theatre. I have only been with the school and those theatre have always been really bad. Btw, can you guess how we saw in the audience? Anna Popplewell (Susan Pevensie), the oldest sibling in the Narnia movies.

Tuesday became a really beautiful day. Jossan had to take the train 4.30 pm so we were just home but it didn't do so much. For lunch I made bacon and chicken breast salad with organic salad dressing. And we ate our lunch out in the garden. I took care of Hazel from 1 so she ate with us also. Hazel and I followed Jossan to the train station later and Hazel was so happy. She really likes trains and to see real ones was so cool! She couldn't stop talking about it. After we had said good bye to Jossan we went to the playground and when I asked Hazel if she missed my sister she said: Train, sun! and looked really serious! Haha! She have starting to called Jossan sun and you could see on her face she really missed my sister. Oh she is so sweet! They have played a lot together and Hazel still ask after Sun.

If tuesday was lovely was wednesday even better. It was so hot yesterday. Our thermometer showed 33 degrees but I guess it placed in the sun but still. I sat out, listing to great music and read my book, from 1 to 4 in just vest shorts. And I got actually some tan. I hope it coming more days like that!
I don't think I have forgot to tell you everything about the week now. Promise to put up some pictures from all things I bought and i will put up more pictures from the week on facebook a soon as possible.
Good night!
Birthday (and so much more) part 3
We came home just before six but we couldn't sleep to long because sunday was my birthday. So we ate a really nice breakfast with yoghurt with strawberries and muesli and sandwich with nutella and a glass of orange juice. Yummy! Went to Westfield for some shopping but god what I was tired. But bought at least some new sandals and Jossan bought a pair Converse. After shopping we went to The meat and wine co and ate so delicious dinner. Started with grilled halloumi cheese, main course; fillet of beef with vodka and blue cheese sauce (for me) and Lemon and chilli marinated chicken breast (my sister).

To dessert my sister took sorbet ice cream (mango, raspberry and lime) and I took apple and walnut crumble. We also ordered a drink each, toblerone and London to Milano. Everything was so tasteful! I will definitely go back! But the best thing was that my sister had asked the server if he could put a candle in my dessert and he said of course he could do that. But when he came out with our's dessert he had company with two other people from the staff and they started to sing happy birthday to me! Haha! And they hadn't just put a candle in the dessert but also written with chocolate Happy birthday and one of the server hold a sparkling thing! oh It made me so happy! Haha! My birthday couldn't had ended better! :)

to be continued....
Birthday and so much more part 2
Saturday was the big party day! The night was so awesome, thanks all people who celebrate my 21st birthday! :) But before all party it happened two things in the morning that I didn't like at all. First my travel adapter broked, it just stop working. Crap!! When my host mother locked us in, I thought! But luckily you can unlock the door for the inside also if you haven't lock the top lock. So not the best morning but after the incidents Jossan and I went to Kings Cross and the Harry Potter platform. We were suppose to meet up Linnea and to friends of her but they got a bit late so we you talked to them quickly before we to the tube to Oxford street. Shopped both shoes, earings and a new top that I wore later. (Promise to take a photo of everything a bought and put on my blog.) Below: Fitting room: Urban Outfitters, Oxford street!

Back home to eat and make us ready for the night. Anna came with a travel adapter. (That really saved my night, thanks a lot Anna) We drank smirnoff green apple and 7up that my sister had bought. She was so proud! :P Arrived to the pub a bit late to meet up all people.

The night was so great! We drank wine, Jossan got free shoots, I got a free shoot before we went to the train. When the clock struck 12 they first sang happy birthday in English, some people in the tube join in. Haha! Then the Swedish people sang in swedish, after that was it the German turn and last Stefano sang in Italian. So cool! Thanks all for the beautiful song! :) After the song Jytte and Anna gave me the best card ever and a soup that smells lovely and best of all cupcakes with candles in. Thanks! :)

It was a amazing birthday! :)
to be continued.....
Birthday and so much more part 1
Min syser akte hem igar och vi har gjort sa mkt saker och hunnit med och chillat ocksa. :P Fodelsedag firande, picknick, shopping, teater, fodelsedagsmiddag, barnvakts kvall, mer shopping, Harry Potter perrongen, National Gallery osv.

Det har ar den fina skylten jag hade med mig till Gatwick i onsdags! Haha! Jossan blev mkt glad for den! Pa tordag formiddag foljde Jossan med Hazel och mig till biblan for sangstund. Haha alltid en upplevelse! Pa eftermiddagen akte vi till Trafalgar Square for att ga till National Gallery. Vi sag bl.a malningar fran van gogh. Sedan blev det lite shopping och middag pa Leon. Alltid god mat dar! Fick oppna min present fran min familj lite tidigare. Valdigt fint papper.

Pa fredag var vi duktiga och gick upp tidigt! for att ga till skolan. Min larare tyckte det var jatte roligt att jag hade tagit med mig min syster. Hon fick verkligen vara med pa lektionen, han stallde fragor, hon fick lasa hogt och gora samma uppgifter som vi fick. Stackars Jossan, hon trodde hon hade ledigt fran skolan. Tur att hon ar smart, svara ratt pa allt. :) Sedan blev det att aka hem direkt efter skolan eftersom jag skulle vara barnvakt. Men jossan, jag och Hazel hade riktigt mysigt hela dagen. Hazel visa Jossan alla sin leksaker och de sprang upp och ner mellan vaningarna! :P Det var Jossan som fick lasa godnattsagor ocksa, jag laste dock favoriten, The Gruffalo!
Forts foljer....
My sister is on her way
The plan departed a half hour ago so my sister is soon here. Going to meet her at the airport with a nice homemade sign! Haha!

Don't eat cookies before bedtime
Crap, I'm high on sugar, but it is my sister's fault. She said she didn't like the cookies I had here so I thought why not eat up all cookies before she is arriving on wednesday. Of course did I eat them all. Haha! So I can probably not sleep tonight.
I wrote that last night but I forgot to finished it because I was talking to my sister and later Oskar on skype. And they never stop talking. So I didn't have to worry about not be able to sleep because I didn't go to bed until midnight and i was quite tired then.
I wrote that last night but I forgot to finished it because I was talking to my sister and later Oskar on skype. And they never stop talking. So I didn't have to worry about not be able to sleep because I didn't go to bed until midnight and i was quite tired then.
Sitting here with my homework and I really don't feel like doing it tonight. But it is actually something usefully for my other exam, read a text and answer some questions. So I guess I have to do it! Wish me good luck! :P
Btw, my sister is arriving tomorrow! :)
It will be so great to see her!
And she will almost stay for one week!
Happy birthday brother!
Happy birthday brother, 25 today! I talked to him before on skype and I think the birthday party was awesome. He was already in bed so I guess he haven't slept so much. Haha! Next sunday is it my turn, birthday party on saturday! It will be amazing! And this week will be amazing because my sister arriving on wednesday and she will be here almost a week! :)
Guess what I have done today!?! I got lost! Haha! I haven't done that for a really long time now. But I will never trust myself next time I tell myself I know exactly where I'm and which way I shall take. It will just end in a long walk. Haha! Now to the story! I took the bus to Oxford street for meeting up Frida for some shopping and a coffee but the bus didn't take the normal route so it ended up in a long car que. Texted Frida, I'm going to be late but I didn't think I would be 1,5 h late. When I was almost 40 minutes I went off at tottenham court road and told myself I know exactly which way I have to take. But of course it was the wrong way so it took my 40 minutes more to get to oxford circus. Brilliant Malin! I don't understand how I did it. Tottenham court road is maybe 10 minutes walk from oxford circus. Haha! Poor Frida! I'm so sorry! But at least I meet you before the shops closed. We went directly to Starbucks for a coffee and sat there for almost 2h. I really like just sitting at a cafe and talk. So nice to see you again Frida! It have been ages! :)
Now some swedish music "Hakan Hellstrom - Kann ingen sorg for mig Goteborg! " I love that song! One of a few songs I always sing along with. Haha!
Favourite Starbucks
Here comes the sun and the spring and it makes me feel so good. I slept long this morning and read a bit before I took a shower. Then I ate a really nice breakfast with porridge with banana and crispy bread with cheese, salmon and egg. With that I drank orange juice and a glass of milk. Perfect breakfast!

After breakfast took I the train to meet up Frida for a coffee. We went to our favourite Starbucks and sat there at least two hours. It's hard to get us stop talking! Haha!

On my way home took I some spring pictures! It have been so nice weather today, 13 degrees and sunny all day. It's so beautiful now also when the trees staring to bloom.
Tonight I babysitting so will probably watch something on the telly. I bought some sweets before, a flapjack with chocolate and kinder bueno white. yummy!
Planing for the future
I'm so tired, I have spend to much time in front of my laptop tonight but I think I have become a bit wiser. I have spend more than two hours looking up programme I think I want to study next autumn. After looking through a list with lots of different subjects I still think Economics is something for me. So all I have to do now is to decide were I want to study (Lund, Uppsala, Göteborg are my first choice) and what programme I want to study. My biggest problem before have been my marks because I want to study in very popular schools. But today when I searched and found some new programmes I actually have the marks to get in. So now I feel quite relieved. I still going to do the university test (högskoleprovet, översattning?) next month and hopefully I get a better mark than last time so I have more opportunity to really study that I want. However, the big question is still, What do I want to study?
For the moment I thinking more and more study Economics with focus German. I have read German for 5 years and before I forgot every thing I thought I was quite good. But have I forget to much? Is it going to be to hard? Lots of questions! The last day to apply for the University in Sweden is the 15th of April so I have to had made a decision before then. Wish me good luck and if you have any advise please tell me!

Now I'm going to watch "How I met your mother" Need something that can cheer me up.
Good night!
Library, risotto and soft music
I have been to the library today with Hazel. Borrow a new book, same writer (Val McDermid) as last time. So glad that I found another one of her books. Will start to read it tonight.
For dinner tonight, my host mother made a really delicious risotto with sausage and basil. I don't normally like the sausages here but this time it was very nice. Maybe because I love risotto!
Just watched "Eva & Adam" the swedish child series that I watched when I was maybe 8 or something. Haha, so many memories. Going to watch another one now!

Good night!
Having a cold
And it so lovely! Not! I have had it for two days now and I'm already tired of it. But I guess it was my turn now because I haven't been sick since I came to London in August. But I don't have time to be sick, my sister is coming next week (oh I really miss you) and next weekend is my birthday! And I want to go out jogging and go swimming. So I really hope I feeling better soon.
Today Anna and I both took a white mocha after school. So nice, I haven't drink it for awhile now so it really tasted great. Went back to Anna's for some tea and fruit before I took the train home. I don't understand how I will survive without you this weekend too. Already miss you Anna!

Tonight have I and Jimmy window shopped because we are both broke. Haha! But it didn't do so much because we haven't seen each other for ages. Or it least a month so it was really nice just walk up and down at oxford street talking.
Lykke Li (swedish artist, what else? ;p) have released a new album and one of her singles is one of my favourite.
"I follow rivers"
Just listen and enjoy!
Think I'm off to bed now, have started to read "Ps. I love you" but in swedish. I have borrow it from Linnea. Thanks a lot, I have only read maybe 40 pages but I'm already love it.
Good night!
Robyn and countryside weekend!
Just nu sitter jag och ater belgisk choklad. Mina vardforaldrar har varit i Belgium i helgen och kom hem med bland annat choklad. De tackar man ju inte direkt nej till! Idag tog jag hade om Hazel nagra timmar pa morgonen, sedan har jag last, sovit middag (fattar inte hur latt jag kan somna nu fortiden.), gatt en promenad i solen och tvattat. Riktigt chill dag, det behovdes verkligen, var riktigt trott efter helgen.
Den borjade ju riktigt bra men Robyn's konsert pa torsdagen. Konserten var i Round House i Camden. Riktigt cool byggnad, rund saklart och riktigt hogt i tak sa det blev en valdigt harlig rymd. Linnea och jag fick platser nastan langst fram vid staketet. Det blev en lang vantan men Robyn var definitivt vard det. Entren hon gjorde var riktigt cool. Hennes bandmedlemmar kom in forst och satte igang musiken och ljuseffekterna och efter nagra sekunder kommer Robyn inspringande och borjade sjunga. Hon ar sa jakla cool, hon och hennes later utstralar verkligen sjalvsakerhet. Nagot som jag verkligen tycker om.
Den borjade ju riktigt bra men Robyn's konsert pa torsdagen. Konserten var i Round House i Camden. Riktigt cool byggnad, rund saklart och riktigt hogt i tak sa det blev en valdigt harlig rymd. Linnea och jag fick platser nastan langst fram vid staketet. Det blev en lang vantan men Robyn var definitivt vard det. Entren hon gjorde var riktigt cool. Hennes bandmedlemmar kom in forst och satte igang musiken och ljuseffekterna och efter nagra sekunder kommer Robyn inspringande och borjade sjunga. Hon ar sa jakla cool, hon och hennes later utstralar verkligen sjalvsakerhet. Nagot som jag verkligen tycker om.

Riktigt bra kvall! Kom hem precis strax for midnatt sa det var sa skont att ga och lagga sig. Skola dagen efter var ingen riktigt hit, var jatte trott. Men nar jag kom hem sa packa och tog taget till Linnea i Farnham. Det var jatte harligt att komma ut pa landet lite. Fredagkvallen spenderades i Guildford efter att forst druckit ol/cider hos Linnea. Vi var forst pa en jatte stor pub, har nog aldrig varit pa storre. De hade ett dansgolv sa vi holl till dar om vi inte satt och chillade vi nagot bord och drack bla drinkar. :) Innan vi drog till Dusk sa stanna vi till pa burger king for lite nattmat och glass. Tyvarr var inte glassen sa god som den sag ut pa bilden. (Men var ju tvungen att testa) Dusk var riktigt soft, bra musik och mycket folk. Riktigt rolig kvall! :)

Upp tidigt for att ga pa barnkalas = kaffe och muffins medan vi snallt vanta pa att de skulle sluta. Gick en promenad i skogen ( vad tyst det var :) sa harligt) och sedan gick vi hem och gjorde en basta tacosen som vanligt. Tacos ar verkligen Linneas och min maste-matratt nar vi ses, vi gor alltid tacos. Men det ar ju sa jakla gott! Sedan kom Kirsten over och vi sag pa film, borjade se "up in the air" och sag hela "killer" men bada var riktigt dalig tyvarr. Men vad gjorde det, det var mysigt iaf. :)

Lang sovmorgon och nar jag val vaknade sa hade Linnea gjort frukost. Te, fruktsallad med mjolk och flingor och bagels. Det var jatte gott! Tack sa mkt sweetie! :) Sedan var vi duktig och simmade och gick lite senare ocksa en promenad, sa var valdigt aktiva.
Helgen var sa himla mysig och rolig. Det ar sa harligt att bara kunna vara, umgas utan att gora nagot direkt! :) Bara mysa! Jag var sa trott nar jag kom hem igar och varit trott idag med. Sa helgen har verkligen varit kanon.
Vi ses forhoppningsvis i helgen Linnea! :)
Farnham weekend
I have been in Farnham the whole weekend visiting Linnea and it have been so great! To tired to write now so I will update you about Robyn and Linnea weekend tomorrow! Skyping with my sweet sister now!

Good night!
Robyn's concert was awesome! I will tell you more about it on monday because now I'm in Farnham visting Linnea. Will stay to sunday so will probably be to tired on sunday to wrote on the blog. But I took over 90 pictures yesterday so thought you wanted to see one. :) Have a great weekend!


Cold day with a walk and Nero coffee
I thought I would start to write on my blog a bit earlier tonight but have just finished 1,5 h call with Linnea. Always a pleasure to talk to you. And we have so great plans this week. Robyn's concert on thursday and between friday and sunday I will be in Farnham to visit Linnea! :) Really looking forward for this days!
Today have I not been in school, instead have I been to funky monkey with Hazel for my first time. Every tuesday is Hazel going to a song group but usually I'm in school then so I have never been there. Hazel love funky monkey so it was so funny to she her. I will go next week as well because the mother is going to the dentist.
After funky monkey have I been free the whole day so studied for my exam but it didn't go so great. :( So went for a walk in almost an hour before I sat down in Nero and took a latte and read my book. So nice!

I think I will go to bed soon and keep on reading "A darker domain". Really like the book but it also my favourite author who has wrote the book.