Having a cold
And it so lovely! Not! I have had it for two days now and I'm already tired of it. But I guess it was my turn now because I haven't been sick since I came to London in August. But I don't have time to be sick, my sister is coming next week (oh I really miss you) and next weekend is my birthday! And I want to go out jogging and go swimming. So I really hope I feeling better soon.
Today Anna and I both took a white mocha after school. So nice, I haven't drink it for awhile now so it really tasted great. Went back to Anna's for some tea and fruit before I took the train home. I don't understand how I will survive without you this weekend too. Already miss you Anna!

Tonight have I and Jimmy window shopped because we are both broke. Haha! But it didn't do so much because we haven't seen each other for ages. Or it least a month so it was really nice just walk up and down at oxford street talking.
Lykke Li (swedish artist, what else? ;p) have released a new album and one of her singles is one of my favourite.
"I follow rivers"
Just listen and enjoy!
Think I'm off to bed now, have started to read "Ps. I love you" but in swedish. I have borrow it from Linnea. Thanks a lot, I have only read maybe 40 pages but I'm already love it.
Good night!