A blue heart ballon, free ice cream and coffee!

I have had a great day today. At school today did I pronounce a few words wrong, (you know me, I can't even pronounce swedish words correct) so the teacher gave the whole class a lesson in grammar. Haha! A classmate and i went after school to pret a manger to drink some coffee. But before we came to the cafe we passed a new bank who opened today and we got really good ice cream, lollipops and I got also a blue heart ballon. :) It made my day! Love free stuff! Haha! It was really great talking to Anna too! She is from Germany and also an au pair. After the coffee I went for some shopping but i only bought one thing, a organic t-shirt from H&M. But I'm going to do some shopping on sunday with Jimmy so don't feel sorry for me. :P On my way home I bought a very good sandwich, see the picture below. Chicken Caesar baguette. It tasted delicious!

The first picture: Hazel
Second: My delicious fruit salad yesterday
Third: The free vanilla ice cream, I took twice! ;)
Fourth: The sandwich, (almost as good as the sandwich on the France cafe.)

Tomorrow I'm going to take a coffee with William and maybe take a walk in the neighbourhood and on the evening I'm going to St Neots to visit Jimmy and on sunday we are going to Cambridge. :)
I must say that I'm really proud over myself a post only on english! :) Probably lots of mistakes but it is mine first time ever to write spontaneously on english.

Postat av: William

Oh wow so many spelling and grammar mistakes, my eyes are hurting!!

Nah just joking, it's alright. :)

Yes free stuff is great, I got a free shot yesterday. So happy! :D

2010-10-03 @ 16:14:45

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