New haircut

It is a bit shorter but I really like it! Thanks Woody! It feels so lighter and I cut a fringe. Not a full one but one you just put on the side. (Have forgot the english name for it) I really love going to the hairdresser here. First they looks through the hair and asking me how I want to have it, then they make comments and tell me their opinion. I have free haircuts because I'm going to a trainer so he has to ask his teacher first before he starts to cut my hair. It feels really professionally. Before they starts to cut the hair they always wash it first and I think that's my favourite part. They put shampoo, balsam and a third thing as well and it really like a head massage. So nice! I really love when someone fiddling with my hair.
Tomorrow, I and Anna are going to see the kings speech at the cinema. Finally! We have been talking about to see it since Anna came back from Berlin. But we have both been working so it's until now we both are free on the same wednesday. We always watching films on wednesday because than is it 2 for 1. We also gets students discount so it's really cheap. :)
Putting up a picture of my new haircut later tonight on facebook!


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