Horse Polo and night out with the girls

As I have told you before, it happened a lot of things on Saturday. Now I will tell you a bit more about it.

Horse Polo was really an experience. The atmosphere was so great and it was crowded. Everyone was dress up in dresses and shirt and some had even hat. It was very nice weather, however, the sun was almost too hot.  Everyone were drinking Pimm’s or Champagne and everything felt so British and posh. When it was half-time? the opened up the gates so people could walk on the grass field. They do that because when the horse riding so fast and turn quick the grass comes up and damage the field. So people have to go around and stamp on the grass and lift tussocks back. Haha! I did it too!

We saw two games and we were standing just next to the big grass field. It was very cool to se how they were riding really fast back and forward and tried to get the ball in the goal. It didn’t look easy although in the first match one of the team, who later won, made a goal after just a few seconds. The last game we saw ended quite bad, one fell of his horse and the horse fell on top of him. Think he was unconscious for some minutes but then he stood up and walked out from the grass field. Really scary! But all seemed to end well at least!

It was really something especial!

We ate really delicious yoghurt ice cream with cookies and strawberries!

After the Polo we went home to Jytte to eat and drink something before we went to Fabric. We were drinking Pimm’s that we mixed on our own with Lemonade, strawberries, raspberries and oranges. Such a nice drink! I know it looks a bit strange but it wasn't suppose to be that bubbly but it tasted so great!

Later we took the bus, missed our stop, took the tube – the station were closed. Haha but we arrived to the club before the long que and had a really great night! Lots of guys!! :P Came home 5am!




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